Action Request (6tens)

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stupid town called they want they're mayor back!
because earlier him and his friend were trying to get in the apartment and we got bombed right after shutting the door on them
We were standing outside your apartment, this is before you were bombed by @roos. He admitted to you on voice chat, while the timer was on, that it was himself who bombed you. The bombing only happened after you gunpointed us out of the entire slums, to which we complied with. Then the bomb was placed. Additionally you had flankers clear the apartments, to which the raider was killed, so clearly we did not raid or bomb you.
because earlier him and his friend were trying to get in the apartment and we got bombed right after shutting the door on them
They were not trying to get inside your apartment after all, when I placed the bomb they heard that it was already going off and they started dipping and u just decide after killing me to go and shoot them for some reason
because earlier him and his friend were trying to get in the apartment and we got bombed right after shutting the door on them
Please can you provide some evidence that you had the right to kill them.

What you must comprehend when playing PerpHeads is that in order to kill someone you must have a very good reason to justify it. Some good examples of reasons you can use to justify the killing of a player are:

The player is raiding / has raided your property
The player stole your vehicle
The player has killed one of your associates
The player mugged you
The player has directly and explicitly threatened your life
if u didn't want to die u shouldn't have followed Ur friend when he was kossing sanchez
Are either of you able to provide some evidence from the buildup?

It would be really useful to see what happened prior to the vehicle getting shot.

If would like to know the demo let me know!
Thanks @6tens

in order to kill someone you must have a very good reason to justify it. Some good examples of reasons you can use to justify the killing of a player are:

The player is raiding / has raided your property
The player stole your vehicle
The player has killed one of your associates
The player mugged you
The player has directly and explicitly threatened your life

Please can you explain what the passenger did to justify you killing them?
they didnt get out under gp. they didnt leave the area when we got bombed, if they had no intention of countering the raid they shouldve immediately drove away instead of waiting in the parking lot. if they knew their friend was going to kos someone and they had no intention to help, he shouldve let his friend do it solo
Also a friend over heard them also saying that they will camp the car sanchez was in until they both get him
they didnt get out under gp. they didnt leave the area when we got bombed, if they had no intention of countering the raid they shouldve immediately drove away instead of waiting in the parking lot. if they knew their friend was going to kos someone and they had no intention to help, he shouldve let his friend do it solo
Hello mate firstly as the car was in motion most of the time, I would not have to get out, also when it was briefly stopped and your friend advanced towards me, once he got close enough, realistically I would not have had time to exit by the time it starts moving again, I am not in control of the pedals or the movement of the vehicle.
As for
Also a friend over heard them also saying that they will camp the car sanchez was in until they both get him
I remember saying something about waiting for him, but I don't remember using any threatening language, can you please show some evidence? I may well have said that but my memory of that night is foggy now.
Also a friend over heard them also saying that they will camp the car sanchez was in until they both get him
Please can you get the friend to provide this evidence, without it, it does not appear like there was any reason to kill the user.
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