Action Request against EVIL

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Chrissy/Chris Duddles
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: EVIL/Victor Belinsky
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:19490979
Why Should This Player Be Punished: I believe that EVIL should be punished for breaking rules 2.1, 2.5, 3.4 and3.6 by gun-pointing then killing me because I was going to confiscate his AK-47 and issue him a ticket for breaking law 6.3. @Creepis was there when this happened.
Evidence (Demo Required):
@Walker 's POV
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Okay just posting my POV from what I know. Evil is forum banned so at some point someone will probably have to speak to him or get someone else to post his POV.

Chrissy shows up at farm and asks to see the Owner (Me). We had a chat about what we do there etc etc. I am informed that Evil was illegally transporting a weapon but needed to be taken back to PD for questioning or something like that. Police had raided the farm earlier that day and he had committed various crimes so asking to be taken back to PD obviously raises suspicion for us. Evil knowing this when asked if he could put his hands behind his back pulls a gun on Chrissy and gunpoints him. Chrissy complies however a officer to the right pulled out his trusty berta and proceeds to shoot at us. We of course shot both the officers at this point.

Chrissy is not dumb, he wouldn't risk taking Evil in and announcing what he was actually going in for (If he was, which is what we believed).

Overall as I was at the situation and understand where Evil was coming from when he gunpointed you I am going to -Support this. All in all this could of gone a lot better but due to a officer pulling a gun it went to shit.
Just raising a point but for this situation wouldn't it be easier to unban EVIL from the forums so he could respond instead of talking through a user to get his point across?

The video clearly shows him breaking 2.1, 2.5, 3.4 and 3.6. There's no real excuse for killing a cop who is going to simply confiscate a weapon for displaying it openly 6.3. His actions were grossly inappropriate for the situation.

To refute what @Walker said: Yes @Chrissy isn't stupid, keeping this in mind, we should know that he wouldn't take 2 officers down to the farm to arrest a fugitive who's known to have connections to idiots who love killing the entire PLPD. He was simply doing his job by attempting to confiscate EVIL's AK47 and his roleplay was abruptly ended by someone who should've used some common sense.

If someone from your party would love to fabricate something to defend yourselves once again like you always do to save your skins, now would be the time.

I'd just like to point out that one crucial aspect of the situation that this video is lacking is what is being said by the police officer, because if you pull out handcuffs and approach a man who is just outside a property full of drugs and illegal activity I don't see what other response you could expect. However everything I just said could be void, it all depends on what was said by the LEO really. Another point that no one has raised is Evil was almost guaranteed to be wanted at the time and obviously from his perspective being handcuffed puts him in a powerless position and I can see why he'd want to avoid that. Again everything I've said could be null if more evidence is shown. The point I'm trying to get across is that any situation where 3.4 is involved has to be looked at and considered thoroughly and in most cases a demo alone isn't enough. I would suggest that whoever deals with this request talk to Evil first and allow him to justify his actions as the rule mentions: ''that player would be expected to demonstrate to an administrator that they had a realistic and reasonable plan and/or mind-set to succeed.''
I would of liked to see where the situation would of gone after "Get on the floor" Instead the other officer was a complete spag and attempted to go Rambo, would love to hear from EVIL :^)
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I will post my Demo in abit, currently busy. It shows Chrissy stating several times that Evil would need to be taken to the PD for "further investigation" but the whole convo is important.
User broke 2.5, 3.4, 3.6, by choosing to be non-compliant to the officer and choosing to kill him. The situation could've easily been avoided if he decided to give up his firearm for simply breaking law 6.5.

If EVIL knew @Chrissy did indeed suspect him to be the wanted man that he prematurely assumed that they were after, EVIL should've been hidden away out of sight or been compliant throughout the whole ordeal to speed up the process of confiscation in order to not draw attention to himself like he did in the video.
He instead decided to act out excessively by gun pointing him over a confiscation/ticket and eventually kill the officers.

Therefore, EVIL will receive a 6-month ban for his actions. He may make a forum account to make a dispute or an apology but nothing else.
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