Action Request against : Nade smith and an unkown friend of his.

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Reaction score
Parts Unknown
Your Steam/In-game Name: SwaggyCarrotMLG / Jack Mills
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Nade Smith / N/A | Unknown / Unknown
His/Her SteamID: N/A | N/A
Why Should This Player Be Punished:*3.15 and 3.4 as noted by Mafidos* This guy tried to ram me while I was in my car, literally parking.

Actually, It wasn't Nade, it was a friend of his who I have no idea what his name is as he never left the vehicle, and I practically asked in OOC chat for a mod to come which didn't happen, not only that, they were chatting in OOC and in shoutbox casually.

I may be new here, but isn't this a little ridiculous that a whole staff team is busy on something yet still talking in OOC like it's nothing ? If someone can clarify this part that would be great.

Anyway. The Jerk in the pink van continued to try to kill me for no apparent reason. Everything is narrated in the video below.
Evidence (Demo Required): - Proof that it was Nade Smith's car.

Video :

I don't have anything for the actual guy DRIVING the car, if you can figure it out somehow that would be amazing.
Tick: Seen in the video.
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and I practically asked in OOC chat for a mod to come which didn't happen, not only that, they were chatting in OOC and in shoutbox casually.

I may be new here, but isn't this a little ridiculous that a whole staff team is busy on something yet still talking in OOC like it's nothing ? If someone can clarify this part that would be great.

We get plenty of reports buddy, just over 1000 were responded to and handled fully last week according to the available statistics and nothing is to say that your report is more important than anyone else's. You're the same as absolutely every other player on the server no matter how new or special you are, and you have no premise to argue about this at all: you don't know how many reports were open at that time, you don't know how many staff members were dealing with reports at that time, and clearly you have a lack of empathy for the fact that this is a volunteer position. The only thing which is 'a little ridiculous' here are your presumptions. Consider this part clarified.

Now, with that set aside, I've spent time looking through the logs for you and figured out who got in the car with Nade before they drove from Bazaar; Itzryzo was driving:

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