AR on Nade Alardin

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Reaction score
Netherlands, Tilburg
Your Steam/In-game Name: Josef Stalin / Josef Trapani
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Nade Alardin / Nade Alardin
His/Her SteamID: Couldnt find
Why Should This Player Be Punished: This player killed me twice. His reasoning for this was me driving him over at hospital, however this was a accident, and i waited for a medic to arrive. After i saw that nade was being revived i decided to leave the scene.

As i said, this was a accident, i was trying to overtake a car which made the crossing a blind spot for me, and resulted in your dead. I believe you knew this aswell

@Nade Alardin

Evidence (Demo Required):
Clearly, we both have the wrong end of the stick. You ran me over, despite me being on the pathway, assuming to me that it was absolutely intentional as you drove directly into me. So further on, I seen your vehicle, seen what you looked like and was going to get revenge by sniping. From the position I took on the motorway, I didn't know there was a medic there immediately just after killing you. That was a failed attempt indeed, but still looking to take revenge, I positioned myself around the bazaar area and sniped you through there.

The reason I did kill you was because you ran me over from what I seemed intentionally. Now realistically, if you ran someone over by accident, you would atleast have the decency to stop, wait for the medic and then apologise. Due to the given location of where you ran me over, there was probably a medic already there. Upon being revived, you didn't even stop and apologise and tell me it was an accident which indicated to me that I was obviously intentional. If it was an accident, you'd be like "I'm so sorry, it was an accident, I didn't mean for this to happen", but no, you drove off which is what resulted in your death. When I have to continously ask for your reasoning in OOC and you don't respond, that doesn't help either. Although I can't take OOC matters into account, I can somewhat Identify that it would of been an acccident if you replied to my message.

Admittedly, yes, It may of been excessive, but if only you stopped and said it was an 'accident' and it was an 'apology', this wouldn't of really happened. May I also add some justification to your statement of you waiting for me to get medical attention - I disagree. You only were there for the time being because your vehicle got stuck and as soon as you got unstuck, you drove off. Not to mention, law 12.8, you didn't report that you hit me either. What if there was no medic and a sergeant + DNAed my body and found you? It would fall under murder technically because you didn't report the collision.

I explained this to ShadowJoey, dunno what his opinion is of it, but it seemed reasonable enough to me.
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Thanks for your reply. It has made some things clear, and i can understand your point of view. However i still stand on my point that it is way to excessive to attempt to kill me over this. Twice actually. I would like to see your perspective at the moment of the accident, because in the video it kinda looks like you saw it happening.
I do also agree that i shouldve called 911, or waited 1 minute more so i could apologize, however you claim that if a medic wouldnt respond, and a SGT would DNA you, that i would be wanted etc etc. I agree that that would be ridiculous, but that would be a whole other scenario. As you can see a medic was already next to you when i even had the chance of calling 911.

Anyways, main point is. You shouldn't kill someone over such circumstances. I agree that i shouldve stopped and apologized, but still you should not take a life over a assumption. In my eyes thats to excessive.
Thanks for your reply. It has made some things clear, and i can understand your point of view. However i still stand on my point that it is way to excessive to attempt to kill me over this. Twice actually. I would like to see your perspective at the moment of the accident, because in the video it kinda looks like you saw it happening.
I do also agree that i shouldve called 911, or waited 1 minute more so i could apologize, however you claim that if a medic wouldnt respond, and a SGT would DNA you, that i would be wanted etc etc. I agree that that would be ridiculous, but that would be a whole other scenario. As you can see a medic was already next to you when i even had the chance of calling 911.

Anyways, main point is. You shouldn't kill someone over such circumstances. I agree that i shouldve stopped and apologized, but still you should not take a life over a assumption. In my eyes thats to excessive.

If you understand my point of view then why are you still denying what I did was wrong? My POV is literally just dieing instantly, how was I suppose to expect someone to be so reckless and hit into me? I obviously can't react. You're acting out like your actions weren't intentional, but if they weren't, why didn't you just stop and apologise and explain your side? It's not sensibile for you to do so, and the matter would of been completely different if you only just waited there and told me what had happened, especially if it was just some 'accident' like you claim. I've justified my actions as much as I possibly could, hope it helps with the AR. If you need anything further just send me an inbox.
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Next time you run someone over you should pull over and apologies to them and make sure there are no misunderstandings.
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