Action Request (Alex_:D)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: aloo89
Your Roleplay Name: leonard
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:169228602

Player's Steam Name: Alex_:D
Player's Roleplay Name: idk
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37230668

Why should this player be punished?: i raided him at office and muged him take hes stuff then cops come and killed me after that i spawned and went to subs he sow me there i told him that i died and i think he sow me bc i died at stears at office he decided to killed me even after i told him that i died

Evidence Link: you can check the logs after this chats i died
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He used looc to try and inform me that he had died and therefore I can't kill him, the rules do not stipulate that I have to take his Looc into account. In the eyes of MY CHARACTER he was still alive and had just mugged me, therefore I could kill him.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. :yawn:
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idk how did you exit office i dont think you exist it from fire escapei think you just walk down on the Stairs where you can see my dead body

anyway her is the video

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You can make and reply to action requests without being horrible to each other. Being respectful costs nothing. I will lock this until a staff member deals with it as you clearly both cannot be polite.

You knew he died from the info you received in LOOC and acknowledged, at this point, you should have followed the new life rule concept. Instead, you killed him anyway, which is excessively negative due to the information you had received about ALOO already dying.
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