Action Request (Apollo)

Reaction score
Your Steam Name: eclipse408
Your Roleplay Name: Svetlana Ilyushina
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:108148121

Player's Steam Name: Apollo
Player's Roleplay Name: Joe Jackwagon
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:424667278

Why should this player be punished?: I believe this player should be punished because he had no idea who "hit" his vehicle. You can see the other secret service member say it was an accident in chat, as I was telling him too (thru voice chat). There were no warnings, no citations, no probable cause, nothing other than a false arrest and stalling roleplay as this user took me to his "supervisor" office where he decided to play on his police computer for 15 + minutes + blacklisting me for 30 minutes for "improper driving" which I never did. Funny how these people in power can just "assume" who committed a crime and then punish them in game based on speculation. I had a F6 in game and Oddy said that he was a little bit busy, and I had to get offline it was over 1hr+ and nothing was being done. I would like the PLPD remark for "major misconduct" taken off my profile, and this user to be reprimanded for not doing his job correctly. Instead he went straight to insults calling me and my secret service member "twats" and insta-arrested me for me telling him he has no idea what he is doing. You can see he has no idea who rammed his vehicle, as he asks the other secret-service member as well "Why are you ramming vehicles" Lol.

This user has 90 hours played in the last 2 weeks fail-roleplaying as a police officer and I think it is time for him to take a little break. I think the policing has got to his head and he can't distinguish if it is real-life or garry's mod. I'm certain in a serious-RP server that officers need probable cause to arrest someone, rather than reasonable suspicion. This user had no probable cause whatsoever and wasted my time in game. Probably over 200+ hours on perpheads and uses his in-game hours to abuse certain privileges granted to those who have the hours clocked in. Probably expects to get away with non-sense like this because there were hardly any admins online as well.

Thank you

Evidence Link:
Hey! Go grab your demo so we can see the entire incident unfold. Also as I told you before I demoted you and issued a Punishment, Make an IA Complaint via: Complaints PLPD . All your evidence shows us is that I called your moron of a friend a "Twat" as he was attempting to launch vehicles / running around with a TV Out.
"major misconduct"
it was Minor Misconduct as I said to you multiple times. Obviously you need to read up a bit on Rules / Laws before being a SS Agent. The Mayor informed me the other SS was driving the Limo so leaves you as the only individual able to drive the vehicle. + The Mayor informed me it was you and told me he was not comfortable with you being an Agent.

I rest my case
To add what i saw, the entire time "Svetlana Ilyushina" was acting like a child, barking at me and joe, and had a terrible attitude
The clip is right there of you having no idea who rammed you so you falsely arrested me if Admin+ wants further proof id be glad to show more but I'm certain my clip is good enough to show you had no idea to what you were doing in that situation. You literally were asking the other guy why did you ram me after you arrested me. Surely you don't have your facts together/probable cause!

Won't reply here until admin+ asks for more information. Don't want to create a back-n-forth conversation with you.
To add what i saw, the entire time "Svetlana Ilyushina" was acting like a child, barking at me and joe, and had a terrible attitude
You have nothing to do with this. Whatsoever lol. You just stood there and witnessed your best friend with 90 hours played in 2 weeks carry out the worst policing I have ever seen on the server. Good day buddy
The clip is right there of you having no idea who rammed you so you falsely arrested me if Admin+ wants further proof id be glad to show more but I'm certain my clip is good enough to show you had no idea to what you were doing in that situation. You literally were asking the other guy why did you ram me after you arrested me. Surely you don't have your facts together/probable cause!

Won't reply here until admin+ asks for more information. Don't want to create a back-n-forth conversation with you.
In your original statement you are referring to Supervisor Situations inside the PD? None of which is shown on the clip.

so the complaint is that a reprimand given by @Apo_llo was false. If that's the case head over to and create a helpdesk ticket with the Office of Professional Standards (PSD). You will need to provide evidence of some sort (such as when the incident you were accused of took place)

More information is outlined in the Disciplinary Action & Appeals policy, section DISCIPLINARY ACTION APPEAL.

You have received a demo request, so a staff member can determine whether you have actually committed the offense you've been reprimanded for by @Apo_llo or not. In the case you have and based on the severity, you could potentially receive a server-based punishment, not just PLPD-based.

To any staff members looking at this: If a demo has been provided, please deal with it as I'm away for the next few weeks.

After reviewing @eclipse408's demo it is clear that he did end up ramming the police vehicle at Bazaar, before the collision you had been recklessly driving around in the city, running someone over, speeding through stop signs and a red light at the intersection. It also looks like the mayor had told Apollo about what had taken place during this situation

In this action request you did try to deceive staff and lie about what had happened, a 1-week ban will be added to your account for this situation.

Reviewed with @A1L