Action Request (Aquaa)

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Reaction score
Faroe Islands
Your Steam Name: maeen
Your Roleplay Name: Saqib Asaad
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:39651776

Player's Community Name: @Aquaa
Player's Roleplay Name: Dania Whyte
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:54900967

Why should this player be punished?: This user broke 2.5 by shooting up a my car after having killed me, doing this for no beneficial reason at all. He first gun pointed us in front of PD for an unknown reason, and also failed to deal with the NPC that was in the control booth.

I have no idea why he would do so, but he did. He also initiated a man hunt after me and my friend, for a reason I don't quite understand why, hence why I also believe he randomly killed us in the first place.

Evidence Link: and
Lmaoo yeah I fucked up on the PD thing, but I got told that you guys had just tried raiding us, I saw you guys with assault rifles and it looked like you were going to pd raid, so I figured I'd kill you there but then you had stored your weapons just as I had started to do so and that was kinda awkwardddd and then I didn't know what to do and it put me in a bad spot, horrible timing lol.

Is there a reason you were back there with guns on your back lol? Did YOU deal with the NPC after trespassing over there and then storing in front of them?

I never shot your car btw, not sure where you got that from.
We were following a cop in there, and we were not PD raiding. The cop went off duty without letting us out, which was kind of awkward. We stored our guns in case another cop came, who might not be as friendly as our good friend who let us in.

We had not raided anyone yet, but we were planning on doing so, but then this happend. My car got destroyed back where you had killed us, so I assume you did it, or one of the people in that zerg of yours.

We didnt have to deal with the NPC's as a cop came, and we spoke to him, and he let us out with no further punishment other than verbal warning. Hence why we did not have to deal with the NPC. And asking if we had crowbars on us, does still not confirm we had raided you guys.

Previously, we did raid your mates, but that was 1 hour and 30 some odd minutes before this incident took place.
We were following a cop in there, and we were not PD raiding.

With Fully Automatic Rifles on your back? I'm not seeing any reasoning for trespassing back there while illegally transporting rifles. Please explain that in your next reply.
We didnt have to deal with the NPC's as a cop came, and we spoke to him, and he let us out with no further punishment other than verbal warning. Hence why we did not have to deal with the NPC.

This makes no sense, the person in the booth saw you with weapons, while the player who was a cop clearly didn't know (because you stored), hence why he didn't do anything.

My car got destroyed back where you had killed us
Sorry to hear that. Should load up a demo and go see who it was, I asked around and no one I asked has said they shot your car.

or one of the people in that zerg of yours.

Yes, an org of about 10 people with 5 on is a zerg. :laughcry::laughcry::laughcry::laughcry::laughcry::laughcry::laughcry::laughcry:

By the way, didn't you recently come off of a communication ban? I also see you have a poor record of following basic conduct rules so I would refrain from making distasteful comments after you die in OOC. If I were you, I'd be on my best behavior to not get comm banned again

I saw you crowbarring P1 about 10 minutes before we killed you & called you out for it, that's why we hunted you down
You able to provide a clip of that mate? because no one would have visually seen that. He wasn't the one crowbarring I was and the only people to see us was a Tesla at the time we were both outside sat in a car (I might be wrong about that but 80% certain we were in the car) I believe the tesla responded in around 30 seconds more than enough time for someone to get away from Projex so you just made a lucky guess assuming it was us. Farstad was just there really, of course he helped me out by getting me away from Projex but that's about it. So you are going of an assumption that we were the raiders, assumptions are not a valid reason to gunpoint outside PD with at least 3 cameras pointing at you and the one main NPC, and also justifying a reason to kill us. I will admit having a gun on our back being stuck back there is not the best idea to do but that's why I stored it as quick as I could due to the situation of being stuck in PD with guns on us. and the risk of any cops coming and seeing them. I don't think the NPC would have seen us with the guns on our back. And if you think "Embarrassing to say the least" is offence then you need to lock yourself away from the internet Aquaa. There is also reasons why you are communication banned but we didn't bring that up or talk about your history of bans that's just a low thing to do.
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You able to provide a clip of that mate? because no one would have visually seen that. He wasn't the one crowbarring I was and the only people to see us was a Tesla at the time we were both outside sat in a car (I might be wrong about that but 80% certain we were in the car) I believe the tesla responded in around 30 seconds more than enough time for someone to get away from Projex so you just made a lucky guess assuming it was us. Farstad was just there really, of course he helped me out by getting me away from Projex but that's about it. So you are going of an assumption that we were the raiders, assumptions are not a valid reason to gunpoint outside PD with at least 3 cameras pointing at you and the one main NPC, and also justifying a reason to kill us. I will admit having a gun on our back being stuck back there is not the best idea to do but that's why I stored it as quick as I could due to the situation of being stuck in PD with guns on us. and the risk of any cops coming and seeing them. I don't think the NPC would have seen us with the guns on our back. And if you think "Embarrassing to say the least" is offence then you need to lock yourself away from the internet Aquaa. There is also reasons why you are communication banned but we didn't bring that up or talk about your history of bans that's just a low thing to do.
I was the Tesla.
You claimed that you saw me crowbarring how can you do that in a car and also no where near the place of the incident?
I heard the crowbar as I pulled up, saw you run into the car and leave, there was nobody else inside the building aside from my org members. Nowhere near? I was literally next to your car as you got in it.
So you are going of an assumption that we were the raiders,
From what I know, he heard the crowbar and literally the entire building was vacant besides our base and you guys hurried out of the building after the crowbar. Kinda evident at that point.

not a valid reason to gunpoint outside PD with at least 3 cameras pointing at you and the one main NPC
I will admit having a gun on our back being stuck back there is not the best idea to do but that's why I stored it as quick as I could due to the situation of being stuck in PD with guns on us
I think it’s hypocritical when we were evidently in the wrong, except I had found myself in a bad situation because of you guys purposely putting yourself in a situation where you’re breaking rules, whereas mine was an awkward moment because of whatever compelled you two to go through the gate of a Police Department heavily armed, you would have had your brains blown out realistically the second you stepped out that car after blowing through the gates with rifles on your back.
And if you think "Embarrassing to say the least" is offence then you need to lock yourself away from the internet Aquaa.
I assume you meant Offensive. He’s evidently talking shit, which he shouldn’t be doing off of a comms ban with a prior of 1.1 Thin Ice.

There is also reasons why you are communication banned but we didn't bring that up or talk about your history of bans that's just a low thing to do.

No, it’s not because it’s a low thing to do. It’s because if you did it, it would make absolutely no sense because you don’t see me talking shit anywhere. Furthermore, I don’t have a fraction of the record he has. Feel free to check SCAM Bans for reference at any time friend

There's no issue with the second incident where you were gunned down as an explaination as to how they reached the conclusion that you guys were the one's crowbarring was provided which I am satisified with. Regarding the first incident, both parties here broke 3.4. Aquaa shouldn't have made an attempt to gunpoint - especially directly outside of the PD itself in clear view of the NPC. But at the same time, you shouldn't have drove into the PD private parking with guns on your back without actually having a reason to be armed behind there in the first place - same thing with the NPC applies here too.

The choice here is to either punish both parties for violating 3.4 or simply forget about the incident and move on from it. And I don't believe any party here wants to be punished so this AR will be closed.
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