Action Request (Bilo,mclovin)

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
In my room
Your Steam Name: Mikael Snorting
Your Roleplay Name: Kevin-Demetrius Coxk
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:234447520

Player's Steam Name: Bilo,mclovin
Player's Roleplay Name: Andrew Curry,Fredrick Elguzman
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:564802460,STEAM_0:1:583460453

Why should this player be punished?: I was gambling at a bazar shop when i won a decent amount of money then the person behind the table starts ignoring me then someone with the name of fredrick williamson told him to store his gun once he stored his gun he just walks towards him and kills him then the person that owes me money leaves the server after dying fredrick said he had KOS on him but why would he tell the person he has KOS on to store his gun instead of killing him and taking his gun doesnt make any sense to me

Evidence Link:

i was demorequested (i have no link) was allowed to put this in here


@guddo why did you kill your friend?

Did @bilo23 ask to be killed so you didn't have to pay out the win to the guy?
we are friends outside of gmod but in-game we are rivals i had every right to kill him and wanted to do so before but he had a gun on his back whitch comes with problems like if i do kill him he'll drop it and if i do pick it up i could get shot in the mitsd of it and secondly if i just run someone could pick the ak up and kill me and by the way i had reason to kill him since he tried to steal my car from me 30 or so minutes eariler and also he gunpointed me and stole 10k off of me because i snagged 10k off of a guy trying to gamble at his casino. I am sorry if it seems like a rule break but I only wanted to kill Andrew for the fun of the kill and not for some stupid money. why would i risk my time at perp for him to save a bit of dough. And no he did not ask me to kill him check the demos if anyone has any and follow us around for 40 minutes there was no topic of me killing him
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we are friends outside of gmod but in-game we are rivals i had every right to kill him and wanted to do so before but he had a gun on his back whitch comes with problems like if i do kill him he'll drop it and if i do pick it up i could get shot in the mitsd of it and secondly if i just run someone could pick the ak up and kill me and by the way i had reason to kill him since he tried to steal my car from me 30 or so minutes eariler and also he gunpointed me and stole 10k off of me because i snagged 10k off of a guy trying to gamble at his casino. I am sorry if it seems like a rule break but I only wanted to kill Andrew for the fun of the kill and not for some stupid money. why would i risk my time at perp for him to save a bit of dough. And no he did not ask me to kill him check the demos if anyone has any and follow us around for 40 minutes there was no topic of me killing him
Being friends out of gmod does not give you the right to kill him without a valid reason. You must understand that it looks extremely strange that you, as his friend, randomly tells him to store his weapon and then kill him as soon as he lost and had to pay out money to someone else?

If he stole your car and money from you, why did you not do anything prior?
because with him having a gun out carrys risks? and i was clarryfing that we wernt buddys in that situation we are rivals. and i did have a valid reason for killing him my reason was because he gunpointed me and took 10k from me thats plenty of reason
So you only killed him to take revenge, not because he asked you to kill him?
i killed him for revenge i had no intention of killing him because of the guys money i wouldnt risk my time at perp for someone elses gain
So he didn't ask you to kill him before you told him to store his weapon and killed him?
So he jokingly told you to kill him so you told him to store his gun and then killed him? Not because he asked you (of course),

but you had kos on your own friend for breaking in to your car earlier?

Sorry I'm just trying to understand before I go through the demos.
he gunpointed me before that and took 10k off of me i had every right to kill him i killed him for that reason not for some money i know it seems suspicious but i was waiting for him to put away his gun along time before that im pretty sure i even told him to put away his gun like 15 minutes before the guy even won anything
@bilo23 do you have anything to say about you asking to be killed so you don't have to pay out the winnings?
@bilo23 do you have anything to say about you asking to be killed so you don't have to pay out the winnings?
If I recall correctly, I did tell Frederick to kill me in a completely joking manner, this was way before Mikael Snorting had actually won anything substantial, as I know if I would have said that after he had won big at the casino that would obviously be really stupid.

It was a mistake to say that, and I realise that, but I genuinely didn't think he would actually go through with it.
When Frederick told me to store my gun, I thought that he meant that cops were coming, and I didn't want to risk my gun being confiscated so I just stored it and I was willing to give the earned casino earnings to Mikael Snorting after I stored it.

To be honest, if I really wanted to scam Mikael Snorting, I could've easily had my gun out in passive (to avoid being force withdrawn), then ask one of my friends to get a car for me (For example, Tage Holm as he was right there) and drive away, but scamming him was never my intention.

After discussing this with several other staff members and the administration, we decided to accept this action request.

Bilo will receive a ban for violation of rules 3.6 and 5.1.
Any form of "loopholing" around the rules to keep money for personal benefit and kill without repercussions is not allowed. The user must also return the money taken from two other users; 10k to @guddo after mugging him in public, and 50k to @OverCastSpark87 , when he refused to pay out the winnings.

Guddo will receive a ban for violations of rules 2.5, 3.4, and 3.26 for killing his friend, staying in the area after doing so, and stealing money that was dropped with /me. His intent was clear, and his claim that it was due to having KOS on his friend for gunpointing earlier and for stealing his car is invalid. He had several opportunities to act on the KOS but instead instructed his friend to store his gun to avoid losing it upon death, which is inconsistent with the intent to take someone’s life as revenge. Both their claims or statements do not add up with their actions in their demos.

Reviewed with @Megasaw , @phoondos , @Tilin , @Efan and @A1L
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