Action Request (Bodil)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: ClumsySpyTTV
Your Roleplay Name: Sheamus Macklin
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:81746803

Player's Steam Name: Bodil
Player's Roleplay Name: Joey Braithwaite
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:68716383

Why should this player be punished?: I was in the forest looking for someone we had KOS on, we believed they had crossed the broken bridge. I went to ask this guy if he had seen him and he gunpointed me out of the car, I assumed he wanted to mug me? I complied and put my hands up, then he shot me in the face.

Evidence Link:
Not involved but wanted to add something, There is currently a bug that happens when you surrender. It makes it so on your end you are surrendering but their end they don't see your hands go up. I'm not saying this did happen but it's possible that in his view, you didn't surrender in the first place so he shot you for ignoring gunpoint.

The player was messaged on Discord, awaiting their response.
On my screen he wasn't holding his hands up
From my POV, he is not complying to the mugging. This has happened to me before a couple of times very recently so i took action quickly instead of getting shot in the head like the other times. Again, on my screen his hands wasn't in the air like they should be when surrendering. They were at his hip like they are normally.

A demo was requested. It will be reviewed once it is uploaded.

The user is warned for violating rule 2.5.

In the demo I observed ClumsySpyTTV raise his hands and his weapon drop in front of him. This killing was not justified in any way.
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