Action Request (DB 0.2)

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Reaction score
Faroe Islands
Your Steam Name: FARSTAD
Your Roleplay Name: Michail Lebedev
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:39651776

Player's Steam Name: DB 0.2
Player's Roleplay Name: Max Walker
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:537900424

Why should this player be punished?: This user should be punished due to the reason that he shot me for absolutely no reason what so ever. I was cufifng a guy who refused to store his firearm, as I was going to confiscated it, when I was about to search him, Max shot me in the head, risking his freedom, in pure day light, and in a public area.

FARSTAD (STEAM_0:0:39651776 | Michail Lebedev | Officer) was killed by DB 0.2 (STEAM_0:1:537900424 | Max Walker | Colt Anaconda | Citizen)
Collier 15:10

Evidence Link:
Should maybe show when I told him to store the firearm using voice chat, and when he spoke back to me :)

You didn't even give the guy 5 seconds to go store so it looked very suspicious and we had done a bunch of crimes beforehand so maybe you couldve gotten DNA on Zansa
@Tinky That is false, as I was the only officer on duty, which you guys knew very very well. I my self, cant get DNA either. If you believe I did not give him enough time, then you can simply make a PLPD complaint.
INVOLVED - I was refusing to store my firearm due to me not being sure if I was warranted or not, this couldve been a trick to get me alone without my org members around me, I was still trying to work out if you knew what had happened previously when you had rushed to cuff me, this is what led up to what DB done.
There was no reason to shoot or kill me, you were simply being told to store the gun, but failed to do so, hence why I cuffed you to store the Firearm. There was no warrant on anyone of you.

Refusing to store the firearm was clearly going to result in zansa being handcuffed, instead of storing the gun and attempting to leave he committed more crimes right in front of the officer being 6.5 and continued illegal transportation. Zansa left the officer no choice but to cuff him and I think this is pretty evident in both videos provided. Just because you have recently committed crimes does not mean you have a reason to shoot any officer who attempts to cuff you and if you knew there was a possibility of you being warranted you shouldn't have been standing in a big group in the middle of bazaar or should have left as soon as you saw police.

@zansa will receive a warning for 3.4 and @DB 0.2 will receive a short ban for 2.5.
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