Action Request (CLARKY)

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Reaction score
Faroe Islands
Your Steam Name: FARSTAD
Your Roleplay Name: Michail Lebedev
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:39651776

Player's Steam Name: CLARKY
Player's Roleplay Name: Pyon Yung
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:123456789

Why should this player be punished?: User shot me over verbal abuse, which was given to one another by the both of us. He had no reason to murder me, and it only caused a big shootout at Bazaar between him and cops, I believe.

Evidence Link:
Turn the sound on in your video and provide the full thing, maybe you wanted to cut out the hint on what led to your death so quit hiding shit. You should maybe not talk so much shit while also being racist towards my RP character which isn’t allowed.
lol Ill happily provide the demo my dude, there is absolutely nothing to hide, I had only been on for 13 minutes and something seconds, where you decided to kill me for no reason, stop trying to avoid the fact you broke the rules.

This did not cause a big shoot out what so ever he shot you and your body was hidden so cops could not find it.
A lie in your report, absolutely no shootout happened nor was my life put in any risk caused by my actions. We immediately hid the body and fled, simple as.
You still had no reason to kill me :) I will provide a full video of when I joined if needed.

After reviewing this AR we have decided that @FARSTAD will have his original ban extended from 3 weeks to 1 month for 1.2 we do not tolerate any form of racist/discriminatory phrases in or out of character as you know.

@Clarky will be spoken to about his actions in this situation.

Reviewed with @blackdown
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