Action Request (Dom_)

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Reaction score
Paralake Police Department Cell 7
Your Steam Name: Rodney
Your Roleplay Name: Pedro Alvarez
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:42747555

Player's Steam Name: Dom_
Player's Roleplay Name: Dom IDK
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:68712767

Why should this player be punished?: I entered the slums apartment to go to my home at Slums 2, I heard not a single Crowbar, Bomb or weapon fired but when I entered I saw a guy with an AK on his back so I ran downstairs toward safety whilst saying 'Woah, why is he pointing a gun at me'

I then got to the bottom floor where the murderer's friend asked what I was up to, and the first shot was fired and within a millisecond the guys aparently 'Raiding' gun pointed me at the bottom of slums, giving me no time to react/get to safety and away from the apartment. They asked me to put my hands up so I complied but was shot anyway for aparently 'Shouting to alert' gang members BUT

1> How did he know I was in their gang?
2> He didn't warn me not to speak/shout and just shot me anyway without warning

I wouldn't of minded if they didn't instantly shoot me and gave me a chance of survival, but they never.

He also saying I broke character which I will admit, I was about to but realised and stopped but how did I break character all i said was 'You can't mug here read the fucking...' I could of meant law book/laws. I never actually broke character.

He should of waited until I actually did break character until shooting me..? This was originally a staff complaint but he was already demoted before it could be heard (lol) so I changed it to an Action Request.

Evidence Link:
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In another case we drove to suburbs, saw lots of people on the floor dead. The cop didn't seem to bothered about the guns on the floor and allowed us to take them for some dumb reason ill admit. We took the guns and then Dom_ comes over and just kills us all, couldn't tell you why.

(Later been sorted in an F6)
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This have already being dealt with in the F6 you made in game so I don't know why you made an AR.
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