Action Request (Franko)

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Reaction score
Crota's throne world
Your Steam Name: SomeUser456
Your Roleplay Name: Tyrone Morris
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:128542935

Player's Steam Name: Franko
Player's Roleplay Name: Fakhir Nasir
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:123987305

Why should this player be punished?: Breaking 3.4 when raiding a base, While on a call with work friends (That DON'T Play perp) I respond too a slums raid, I announce and everything like that, Once I end the call I enter slums 2 where I see Franko without a gun only with a chain link fence between us he then starts too run around like a headless chicken and starts too try and pull out his gun

Evidence Link:
I’ll send my POV later, but I checked my clip right when this happened to be sure I didn’t break 3.4 and iirc I was mid pulling the gun out animation when you entered the door.
Actually nvm, I figured I might as well take a minute and do it before I hit the gym:cool:

If you play my clip through without pausing it, it may look like I broke 3.4,
however if you slow it down and pause frame by frame, you can see that I was in the middle of the animation of pulling the gun out when you started gunpointing me,
as you at first looked towards the wall infront and only after turned towards me.

At the end of the day, it's obviously up to the discretion of a staff member whether or not they would consider this 3.4, but like I said I still don't (even after pausing and reviewing my clip several times) believe I broke 3.4.

The picture I have included below shows the frame you turn towards me, in which you can see that my mp5k was already being pulled out.
Did you not see my pov? @Tilin
Oh it might not have been included, I ate a fish right before he entered ahahah which is why I wasn’t able to instantly pull the gun out as seen in the clip.

Upon further review, it was found that @Franko was just spamming the button to equip his gun after eating a fish.

It doesn't look like anything malicious on his end took place, only wanted to pull out the gun. The timing itself couldn't give him enough time to react.
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