Action Request (GainAxe)

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Sorle
Your Roleplay Name: Alfa Ross
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51990442

Player's Community Name: @GainAxe
Player's Roleplay Name: Sierra Falcone
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:226391237

Why should this player be punished?: just blatant execution - used the excuse of trying to mug but didn't say a word - in direct earshot of PD went directly to execution, breach of both 3.4 and 2.5, i was literally tabbed out

Evidence Link:

@>GainAxe could you explain your side of the story? Was it an attempt by you to mug him?
Can't be argued as an attempt to mug due to the nature of the killing - it was completely instant after looking over at me.
involved, me and gain axe was selling at the drug dealer, sorle was hiding in the dumpster with a gun in his hand in passive mode, gain saw that and shot him as we didnt want too get mugged and we also wanted too mug him, but as he had a gun in passive we cannot as he could just shoot back
involved, me and gain axe was selling at the drug dealer, sorle was hiding in the dumpster with a gun in his hand in passive mode, gain saw that and shot him as we didnt want too get mugged and we also wanted too mug him, but as he had a gun in passive we cannot as he could just shoot back
Then why was I instantly shot? Surely having the judgement to want to mug someone you don't just instantly shoot them + if you don't want to be mugged one of you can keep a gun in passive and I have to gunpoint you, at which point you have to fight back - how mugging someone with a gun in passive is actually executed. You don't just shoot someone for having a gun in passive because you want to mug them at drug dealer.

I'm outnumbered and don't have a pistol - simultaneous gunpoint from two people is enough to outarm me and successfully gunpoint me - raising my gun from that point is 3.4 and you can mug me, but you instead chose to execute me.

Whilst we understand your frustration by this situation, you need to think about this entire situation from their perspective. If you put yourself in their shoes, they have approached the area where the drug dealer is known to be to sell a large amount of valuable drugs. Upon approach, they have seen an individual lurking in the bin with a handgun in their hand. Bear in mind, when crouching with a gun in your hand in passive stance, it will appear to others as raised to a certain extent. With all of this in mind, their reaction to you is pretty understandable. Whilst you should almost always try and make verbal communication before shooting someone to try and de-escalate a situation, if you believe someone poses an immediate threat to your life, you are within your right to shoot them.

In future, it may be best to go AFK in a public area to prevent similar situations from occurring.

Reviewed with @Mina
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