Action Request (Hank Crank)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Sky
Your Roleplay Name: Magree Teller
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:57791259

Player's Steam Name: Unknown
Player's Roleplay Name: Hank Crank
Player's SteamID: Unknown

Why should this player be punished?: 2.1 Play Realistically

This user exploited the situation at docks where the player kept drowning over and over again and abused his role as Senior medic to gain XP by repeatedly reviving this downed player at docks, also failed to follow cop's instructions to bring him to land then revive (I was trying to drag him and he was reviving him)

The evidence shows after his 7th or 8th revive to the person till the cops finished him off because there was no high rank officer to detain the medic.

Evidence Link:
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I was actually on duty at the time but was dead and responding to shootouts constantly. I believe the medic was abusing reviving this person over and over we had 8 life alerts from the same person.
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@FadedBay why were you repeatedly reviving him a total of 12 times rather than make any attempt at removing them from the water?

Furthermore, @The White Glove Society why did you finish him off after he drowned?
Hello, so this is regarding why I shot him. The clip does a good job of showing what was going on however, it doesn't show the length of time. This poor guy had been in the sea for like 15 minutes drowing over and over being farmed for XP. On the police radio, someone said he was afk and others were saying he was glitched. At the time there were no staff on and the only officer of a rank high enough to deal with the situation (Simon Bendetti) was AFK. The whole time he was drowning the PD alert system was being flooded by life alerts and this situation was distracting the entire PD (the entire PD was at the docks) as they all stood watching but were unable to do anything about it. Multiple officers tried to get the guy out of the water but nothing was working and the medic refused to stop exploiting the situation for XP so I put one in the guy's noggin so he could respawn as it wasn't fair for him to be glitched in the ocean being spam farmed. Another reason I did this is due to a regals raid that we needed to respond to so we needed to end the situation. If there was a staff member on or Simon wasn't afk I would have asked them but unfortunately, they were not. Eventually, Simon came back and I went on patrol with him and explained to him what had happened he said he wasn't going to punish me since it was an OOC abuse by the medic.

@FadedBay why were you repeatedly reviving him a total of 12 times rather than make any attempt at removing them from the water?

Furthermore, @The White Glove Society why did you finish him off after he drowned?
@Bnje The player wasn't AFK, he was speaking to me as he was revived. He stated that the reason why he couldn't swim back to shore was because his legs were broken. What I was trying to do was revive him, then quickly swim under and repair his legs. This was difficult because the other medic that was on scene was upset with me for getting XP/money, so he was actively pushing me away from the guy drowning. Eventually a cop executed the guy drowning.
I don't get email notifications for these requests, so please forgive me if I do not respond quickly.
@Bnje The player wasn't AFK, he was speaking to me as he was revived. He stated that the reason why he couldn't swim back to shore was because his legs were broken. What I was trying to do was revive him, then quickly swim under and repair his legs. This was difficult because the other medic that was on scene was upset with me for getting XP/money, so he was actively pushing me away from the guy drowning. Eventually a cop executed the guy drowning.
That is not true. I only pushed you after the 12th revive attempt when you were prolonging the situation and that's when the cop finished him off. You were making it hard to drag the body to land. Every time you revived him, I had to wait for him to drown again, so I can continue dragging. We could've resolved this by reviving him on land then "Fix his legs", but you wanted to use this situation, to farm him for XP.

@FadedBay you should always try and move someone to a safer place when reviving them rather than reviving them on the spot, especially when the individual in question was still in the water, something that killed him. Several of your revives were smack dab in the middle of the ocean at the same spot. Whilst he was ragdolled you should have Tried moving him closer to the shoreline, You should have figured that what you were doing was squeezing as much money and xp out of the situation as possible, intentionally or not, and farming money from the situation.

Trying to fix his legs whilst he was under the water wouldn’t have been sufficient or realistic at all, moving him out the water and reviving him there would have been.

@FadedBay will receive a warning for 2.1 and 4.1, as the actions here weren’t in the best interest of preservation of life given that he drowned 12 times.

As for @The White Glove Society , whilst I won’t be issuing a warn or a ban for you, I don’t think it’s very acceptable to take matters into your own hands there and execute someone because of the actions of someone else. I do understand your reasonings for doing so on this occasion however in future I suggest not doing that, as the possibility that the PD is willing of enacting action against you for doing stuff like this is significant.

Reviewed with @Sean
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