Action Request (hyushi123)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Biggo
Your Roleplay Name: Riley Boston
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:547475683

Player's Steam Name: hyushi123
Player's Roleplay Name: Amy Jordan
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:243856479

Why should this player be punished?: They broke GP while I was attempting to rescue a friend from being imprisoned. I GP'd Amy in the car which she then got out the other side to me however I could still see her head as she didn't crouch automatically from getting out, she then broke GP by crouching and pulling out a weapon as I was walking round the car still with my gun aimed at her and then killed me. I believe this was a breach of Gunpoint as I originally GP'd her in the car and they wouldn't just spawn on the other side in real life so her getting out on the other side doesn't act as an excuse to get a gun out and kill me. @3izu told me to take into a AR as he was waiting on another staff members opinion

Evidence Link:
Hello! I am the friend involved in this attempted breakout and can vouch that there was a moment of delay between exiting the car and the pulling out the shotgun. Feel free to take Riley's demo if needed.
Do you have a better clip that has audio? Just wondering if you told the player to put their hands up

@sasuke0115 Can you please explain your side?
Do you have a better clip that has audio? Just wondering if you told the player to put their hands up

@sasuke0115 Can you please explain your side?
i dont have my audio but i did, i said something along the lines of "amy hands up" thats why the speaking prompt was there when i pulled my gun
I have already discussed this with 3izu but ill go ahead and do a little recap. ive been gunpointed on the right side of my car and my wheel is on the left. due to this, i had a time window which allowed me to pull out my firearm because i had cover without breaking 3.4.
In a real life scenario, when you're told to get out of the car, you wouldn't pull a gun on the person that's right about to shoot you. Realistic actions + 3.4.

There is not a single frame in this clip wherein you would've been able to kill Amy after they were airborne from the exit animation. There was a car in the way the entire time, the moment he got out the gunpoint was broken and he was no longer in any danger.
@3izu @A1L
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