Action Request (I have no idea please check logs ty)

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Reaction score
Edinburgh, Scotland
Your Steam Name: AR but no idea who its on cmon
Your Roleplay Name: Matt Douglas
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51638925

Player's Steam Name: I have no idea please check logs ty
Player's Roleplay Name: I have no idea please check logs ty
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51638925 (this is my steamid but idk his)

Why should this player be punished?: I went on my phone to call 911 as I had suspicions someone had broken into my store, to which I was gunpointed by some geez called barry dickings or something. So I dropped the phone having not called 911, then he started getting wide with me so I said to "shut ur mouth" when he was walking away to which his buddy pulled out a gun n sprayed me down in the middle of bazaar. I feel this is a breach of 3.4 as why endanger a lengthy jail sentence because someone you just raided said to "shut ur mouth" as you walk away. I feel this is just some trigger happy wee guy who just wanted to shoot someone.

Evidence Link:
Hey, it was me shot you. The situation is you attempted to call 911 on us as the raid was to begin, we told you under gunpoint not call them, and after a few seconds you decide to put the phone down, presumably the message didn't go through. You then proceeded to escalate the situation by provoking/disrespecting two armed individuals who just threatened to shoot you with guns, considering where we are at this point in the escalation process, I decided to shoot you.
Don't provoke/disrespect your assailants unless you're ready to shoot them.
Hey, it was me shot you. The situation is you attempted to call 911 on us as the raid was to begin, we told you under gunpoint not call them, and after a few seconds you decide to put the phone down, presumably the message didn't go through. You then proceeded to escalate the situation by provoking/disrespecting two armed individuals who just threatened to shoot you with guns, considering where we are at this point in the escalation process, I decided to shoot you.
Don't provoke/disrespect your assailants unless you're ready to shoot them.
Happening bud, I'm aware of the situation but thanks for the clarification. I had my phone out and more or less immediately under gp put it down, I wouldn't say I escalated the situation when the situation was more or less over as you two were walking away at the time. Me telling you to "shut ur mouth" I wouldn't say warrants a 10 year jail sentence for murder especially considering it was the middle of bazaar, and realistically you could've killed me at any other point where you would've been able to avoid the jail sentence if you were truly that "provoked" by my words. Would probably be wiser to just take the items from the raid and walk away, as even had you been caught by the police or my org members nearby, the punishment may not have been so severe.
Hey Matt,

Generally, provoking/disrespecting assailants or criminals raiding/mugging/threatening you with a gun and giving you orders is never a good idea. Normally, you'd be issued a warning for 2.1/3.4/3.6 here. If you were to be threatened with a gun in real life, you most certainly wouldn't be escalating the situation by provoking those people even if they started walking away, the threat is still there.
You can imagine how it would be unrealistic to start saying "shut the fuck up" or "fuck off" to someone mugging you, as you wouldn't do that in real life, even if they started walking away, for example.

Best course of action for you is to comply and do everything in your power to preserve your life by being obedient with the criminals who have threatened you with a deadly threat and then get a weapon and try to get revenge later, or call police when we leave.

Hopefully I explained it a bit better to you.
Hey Matt,

Generally, provoking/disrespecting assailants or criminals raiding/mugging/threatening you with a gun and giving you orders is never a good idea. Normally, you'd be issued a warning for 2.1/3.4/3.6 here. If you were to be threatened with a gun in real life, you most certainly wouldn't be escalating the situation by provoking those people even if they started walking away, the threat is still there.
You can imagine how it would be unrealistic to start saying "shut the fuck up" or "fuck off" to someone mugging you, as you wouldn't do that in real life, even if they started walking away, for example.

Best course of action for you is to comply and do everything in your power to preserve your life by being obedient with the criminals who have threatened you with a deadly threat and then get a weapon and try to get revenge later, or call police when we leave.

Hopefully I explained it a bit better to you.
Nothing needs explained bud I understood your reply, thanks nonetheless. I amn't sure saying "fuck off" or "shut the fuck up" is the same as saying shut ur mouth, but regardless i'm not sure you can argue I broke 2.1,3.4,3.6 because i said shut ur mouth whilst I was also armed, after taking dogs abuse of you and your friend, who at that point i wasn't aware had done anything to me, except gp me and ask me to drop my phone for calling 911 in the middle of bazaar. I would agree that you need to preserve your life, perhaps by leaving the scene after potentially committing a crime if you have doubts the police have been called.

I would say shooting someone for making a slightly offensive remark is a bit excessive and unrealistic, and not really something you'd need to execute the person for, especially on the spot in the middle of a busy shopping area where my org members were nearby.

Hope this helps.
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i'm not sure you can argue I broke 2.1,3.4,3.6 because i said shut ur mouth whilst I was also armed, after taking dogs abuse of you and your friend, who at that point i wasn't aware had done anything to me, except gp me and ask me to drop my phone for calling 911

Having a weapon in your pocket is great, but don't escalate deadly threat situations by provoking/disrespecting/ordering the criminals who have threatened to shoot you unless you're ready to be shoot or be shot. Rule 2.5 ensures that on their own, verbal offences are not enough to kill for, as it would be excessive, however at this point in escalation we were raiding you and giving you orders under gunpoint, it was your actions that proceeded to escalate it. Listen and comply immediately or pull the gun if you're upset that we have just raided you.

I see no gain in shooting Matt here what so ever. If you've just raided someone (Or performed illegal activities) your top priority should be to get away as quick as possible, not execute someone for a very simple remark.

To further clarify, of course this would have been different if Matt was constantly being disrespectful, but shooting him simply over "Shut your mouth" is excessive.
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