Action Request (ITS_D0PPEL , Project Phoenix)

Reaction score
Your Steam Name: TylerMac
Your Roleplay Name: Donald Makarov
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:611504473

Player's Steam Name: ITS_D0PPEL , Project Phoenix
Player's Roleplay Name: Phoenix Woodcrest , Jake Mcgee
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:664046157 , STEAM_0:1:759168714

Why should this player be punished?: After asking if he was the one who did the car bomb ( for no reason at all btw ) he answered yes I went over to my storage and pulled a gun out , I had it holstered and Phoniex pulled out his started shooting it at me but I kill him , 3.4 because I didnt threaten , harm or really do anything but pull a gun out after asking that question , then his friend comes over and then proceeds to shoot at me for killing him , a shootout that shouldnt of ever been started

Evidence Link:

Jake Mcgee is currently on a 2-week ban that was issued yesterday. He does not have a forum account so I will make an attempt to try and contact him.
@PeojectPhoenix can you explain why you tried to kill TylerMac in the video provided above?

The attempt to reach out to Jake was unsuccessful. However, reviewing logs shows he was never in possession of a car bomb. However, it appears
@PeojectPhoenix was warned by Ellie for placing car bombs without sufficent justification at the time this incident occurred so he has already been dealt with. However, why he attempted to kill you despite no reason for you to assume it was him is unknown. He will receive a 2-day ban for his actions.