Action Request (Jack)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: MalekIsWeird
Your Roleplay Name: Omar Asfour
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:137872891

Player's Steam Name: Jack
Player's Roleplay Name: Jack Stallones
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:124418552

Why should this player be punished?: Player had complete control over the situation and was told to "wait" many times by me. He could have gunpointed me to ask why and I would have been able to inform him it is a new life but he did not give me even a second to say in LOOC that it was a new life.

Keep in mind he had friends to back him up, a gunpoint on all individuals in the area and me with my weapon holstered unable to resist.

This is a continuation of this

Evidence Link:

@MalekIsWeird you have a screenshot of a report in-game, has this been dealt with by a staff member?
Continued in AR because staff member got off and I had to also get off before it was resolved / dealt with. I asked permission in OOC to make AR and was told I could.
Alright, could you please enlighten me on the context behind the shooting? Why was he after you? Also, do you believe there was a way for him to know you died?

@RoosterJack I would also like to have your input, you have 24 hours
I don’t know why he was after me to kill me. I have not a single idea. It seemed like it was from a while ago.

And yes I absolutely believe if he wanted to roleplay instead of just shoot fast for no reason he had the perfect chance to ask me since there was no possible way I could safely retaliate or anybody could save me with him gunpointing everyone as well as his friends to back him up.

I attempted to inform him as you can hear in the vid because I had heard them saying shoot Omar or make sure it’s Omar so it’s easy to guess what’s going to happen. I yelled “wait” many times so I can type in LOOC to tell him to which he could’ve GP’ed me to give me just 2 seconds to explain without breaking character but he didn’t. Therefore losing me my AK-101 to an unfair death.
The hit was actually never my objective, I had no personal reason for it but was instructed by Devv Scar, my gang leader and superior in the gang hierarchy, to simply get out the car and shoot you. A simple hit, that's as much context as I got.
It wasn't anything personal, I have honestly forgotten who you are if we had beef in the past.
I was just told to get out the car, shoot you in the head, shoot you again just to make sure, get in the car and leave.
Sorry if this was breaking a rule by any means by killing a man without a valid reason, I was simply told by a fellow gang member and friend to kill a guy cause they had beef or something.
No problem bro I get you’re new I’m just upset about the financial loss mainly. You can see in the video I tried to tell you whatever reasoning to justify your hit by the rules it is now Invalid because NLR is in effect. I had died and respawned so during my current life since I know I didn’t give anyone a reason to kill me that there is no reason to shoot me. You could have gunpointed me and allowed me to tell you in LOOC without breaking character. But shooting me instantly when there’s no necessary reason to given the context resulted in me dying unfairly.
I know I had died since interacting with you personally, but it's not breaking NLR since I was told to do this by a friend, not of my own personal attrition.
He told me where you were, he told me your name, he told me what you looked like, I was simply the guy with the gun. Personally, I had forgotten who you actually were until I pulled out my gun and shot you.
Sorry for the loss of the gun, I know you had said "wait" but assumed it was you dodging the hit cause we got a call from someone else giving us your location, and assumed you were trying to dodge the hit and shot anyways. Also because you were armed and we had your location, I assumed you had prepared for us to arrive and was gonna shoot us down, so I cut my losses and just shot as fast as I could.
@Dyziook this AR has gone on for a nearly a week now. I'd appreciate if you can give us insight on the questions above so it can be concluded sooner rather than later.
Devv says he's not in the forums, I've spoke with him about it and he says he had no knowledge you died either. We both just went for a hit.
i was only just added to the forums. As to why i didn't reply to your previous PING. So what happened was me and jack pulled up to our base at parkers then Omar and his friend got out and mugged us. We managed to get his number plate etc so fast forward a bit he killed jack for trying to run or something like that/not comply. (Im a bit foggy of why he was killed by omar bc it was a week ago) So then we searched for him for around 15 minutes me not dying since i had told jack i was mugged by him and that omar killed one of my friends - referring to jack as he has NLR rule- so jack now has the info that i was mugged by omar and he killed one of our friends. as to why we continue searching for him not knowing if he had died since then Jack kills him as i told him too,.
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