Action Request (JJB)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Aziel
Your Roleplay Name: Josh Newman
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:40314953

Player's Steam Name: JJB
Player's Roleplay Name: Jake Arnolds
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:242617530

Why should this player be punished?: Him and his friends dragged my chest to their stores backroom and when I went in to go and get it they were trying to mug me I guess but they did not say much they tried to ziptie me and I consented and then Jake arnolds kills me. He said it was a missclick but you can clearly see him putting his gun off safety and aiming at me and shoots me. He also killed his friend when trying to kill me so its obviously not a missclick.

Evidence Link:
This was dealt with ig @doge was it not? it was a missclick i thought gun was in passive cos when i ran it went down so when i stopped i instantly pressed left click resulting in killing Tim first but it went through his body causing josh to die to. Reason for attempting to pull the gun out of passive was so Sam and i could mug him.
This was dealt with ig @doge was it not? it was a missclick i thought gun was in passive cos when i ran it went down so when i stopped i instantly pressed left click resulting in killing Tim first but it went through his body causing josh to die to. Reason for attempting to pull the gun out of passive was so Sam and i could mug him.
You had a gun on safety and then you put it out of safety and then you hold left click to kill 2 people that is not a missclick
I did not deal with this I left the report open because I had a tornado outside my door and my internet was cutting out!
Well i can assure you it was a legit missclick i didnt mean to shoot Seth has a clip that shows it abit better but it was a genuine mistake. I wanted to mug you with sam so why would i shoot tim then you? tim is in my org which shows i didnt mean to shoot.
you have made so many F6s on me and shit its clear youre just trying see me get banned. Like i say this was a mistake i wasnt meant to shoot its my bad.
you have made so many F6s on me and shit its clear youre just trying see me get banned. Like i say this was a mistake i wasnt meant to shoot its my bad.
You walked up to me and started punching me multiple times how about you just stop harrasing me?
im leaving this now ill wait for staff to make their decision. end of the day that situation was dealt with IG. the one you have made an AR on me about is completely different i have said it was a miss click idk why i would kill my org member on purpose as if i did do that i wouldn't be in the org rn. Its clear in the clip i shot tim first by accident and unfortunately you happened to be behind him resulting in your death too. like i say it was my bad. Furthermore as soon as it happened i said ig 'fuck i miss clicked' and i even apologised straight away to Tim which was in OOC for everyone to see. i would have benefited more from mugging you to so it makes no sense on why i would just straight up kill you we had you in zip ties to which shows our intentions.
im leaving this now ill wait for staff to make their decision. end of the day that situation was dealt with IG. the one you have made an AR on me about is completely different i have said it was a miss click idk why i would kill my org member on purpose as if i did do that i wouldn't be in the org rn. Its clear in the clip i shot tim first by accident and unfortunately you happened to be behind him resulting in your death too. like i say it was my bad. Furthermore as soon as it happened i said ig 'fuck i miss clicked' and i even apologised straight away to Tim which was in OOC for everyone to see. i would have benefited more from mugging you to so it makes no sense on why i would just straight up kill you we had you in zip ties to which shows our intentions.
I mentioned it because you said that I was spamming reports on you which I did not. I also dont think you know what a missclick is or you are just trolling.

You can not put your gun off safety kill two people on a "missclick"
My gun was never on safety as I have said my gun was not in passive so when I ran it went down as if it is in passive ofc once I stopped running I held left click as if I was taking the gun out of passive which is why you see me also aim in slightly for all a couple seconds before realising it was already out of passive cos I pressed both of them to GP for the mug but because of the gun no being in safety mode it shot. Meaning I miss clicked it never meant to kill tim nor you.
You got to ask yourself why would I want to kill tim and then you intentionally. I have no reason to kill you we wanted to mug you which is more beneficial to us IG. So why would I kill you knowing not only is it a rule break but killing an org member before you knowing that would also result in me being kicked from my org? You ain’t worth that buddy. It was a mistake made by myself I should have waited to see after I ran if my gun was in passive or not but unfortunately in the moment I assumed it was in passive as it looked like it was when sprinting.

JJB will be receiving a ban for 2.5 due to his 'accidental' execution of a player who was complying with a mugging

Reviewed with @Mallard
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