Action Request (Juzz)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: lewis dad
Your Roleplay Name: lewis elloit
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:635484648

Player's Steam Name: Juzz
Player's Roleplay Name: Kevin Jakobsen
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:63148949

Why should this player be punished?: he shot me for no reason at bazza no warning or handsupp i had a gun on me i was gonne sell it but no gun out so no harm whent tho go into storage and got killed by him

Evidence Link:

@Juzz has not been on the forums in a while, he will be notified via third party means and given 48 hours to provide a reason
It is from yesterday, the dude I think it is the other kevin, not sure. I was just chilling, this dude wanted drama. I killed him
I cant really see anything, i dont have clip for my angle
@Juzz can you provide evidence of this earlier raid.
@lewis dad can you respond to these accusations.

You both have 24 hours to respond before a judgement is reached on what has been mentioned and said.

Failure to provide additional information upon request in addition to there being no prior combat between you two or @lewis dad mugging you for any items in the logs so therefore it is my belief @Juzz killed him for no valid reason.

Rules Broken
- Player killed someone without a valid or justifiable reason.

Due to @Juzz having a bad record with breaking rules, especially 2.5 he will receive a THREE DAY ban for his actions.
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