Action Request (Kronen)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Matthew
Your Roleplay Name: Joe Dixon
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:35795184

Player's Steam Name: Kronen
Player's Roleplay Name: Liu-Zhang Zhou-Wuchen
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:4980326

Why should this player be punished?: User broke rule 3.21 Non-Player Characters (NPCs), which clearly states "When role-playing within the vicinity of NPCs (for example, the NPC that resides within Fredy’s Bakery, the City Hall, etc.), the NPCs must be treated as regular players and taken into consideration within roleplay situations, simply killing the NPC usually isn’t sufficient.". During this situation you can see the user ignore the NPC entirely, not even attempting to gunpoint the NPC and give them orders. Furthermore the video name is "purple nerds" which breaches 1.1 Disrespectful Behaviour, as "nerd" is typically a disrespectful term which anyone could take offence to.

Evidence Link:
I'll own up to the fact that I got mad and won't argue against that but I would like any admin who responds to empathize with the fact that these guys have targeted us for very little reason since we joined the server.
The name of the video being nerd is not within roleplay or even part of perp its the name of a YouTube video if it really effects you that much i can change it just for you. You are clearly reaching for any type of punishment when in the same clip your friend is breaking character by shouting "its the perp tryhards" also the NPCs wouldn't have impacted the situation as them reporting the crime wouldn't matter as cops were already on route and they aren't armed.

@Kronen, please make sure to take NPC's into account if are found in a position where you're committing a crime in front of them. You should threaten their lives or something of the sort and treat them like you would in real life if someone was watching you commit a serious crime.

Also, please avoid disrespectful titles on your videos if you plan on sharing them within the community.

I do not see the necessity for a formal punishment at this point in time, and if you two groups continue being petty towards each other, you'll both have issues.
The name of the video being nerd is not within roleplay or even part of perp its the name of a YouTube video if it really effects you that much i can change it just for you. You are clearly reaching for any type of punishment when in the same clip your friend is breaking character by shouting "its the perp tryhards" also the NPCs wouldn't have impacted the situation as them reporting the crime wouldn't matter as cops were already on route and they aren't armed.
You are trying to defend yourself when you have used a derogatory term which is used as a stereotype, just as I have which I will admit however if I served a punishment for it it's not fair if you don't.

It doesn't matter if the NPC wouldn't have impacted the situation, you still ignored the NPC's existence and didn't treat them as a player or take them into consideration whatsoever, therefore breaching server rules.
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