Action Request (Liam)

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Nazeer’s basement
He had nearby cover.

Also, you were in a public area so gun pointing him wasn't the best idea.

@Liam Why did you harvest, then store your drugs and gun right after you were gunpointed when you were clearly being raided?

3.18 Storages and trunks​

"While their life and/or freedom is in imminent danger a player must not use their storage boxes/trunks" - My life wasn't in immediate danger because when he gun pointed me in a PUBLIC PLACE I literally moved right because I felt as if I was already semi covered, my life was in no imminent danger because I had a time frame before they broke into the shop.
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Although this is not a violation of 3.4, as Liam was in an excellent position to get to cover and there was no way for you to chase him, I found other rules violations when checking the logs for this situation.
My life wasn't in immediate danger

They were actively trying to kill you through the door, the rule also says "imminent", meaning "about to happen", which seems to have been pretty clear as they were obviously attempting to raid you. You also harvested your drugs despite your knowledge of the imminent raid on your property, which is also against the rules.

Your ban will be extended for breaking rules 3.18 Storages and Trunk and 3.25 Drug Harvesting/Mugging.

@IThinkTheCopsAreAfterMe Attempting to gunpoint somebody on a walkway that is pretty easily visible from Bazaar is a bad idea, and is quite public. It would have been much more appropriate to gunpoint him when you were inside instead.
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