Action Request (Meatwad)

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The Eras Tour
Your Steam Name: Maia
Your Roleplay Name: Nils Sjoberg
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:149931246

Player's Steam Name: Meatwad @Chase
Player's Roleplay Name: Chase Williams
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:28963143

Why should this player be punished?: Even if I know that metagaming is very hard to prove, I have strong reasons to believe that information regarding a situation ingame was shared by @Meatwad to his org friends.

By watching the clip linked below you will see a situation where Meatwad, wanted for murder after killing a civilian behind car dealer, gets arrested and transported to the PD for further investigation. At this time, he is fully cooperative with the Police and seems pretty confident about his ability to escape arrest.
(As you can see in the video our cruiser was not followed from bazaar by anyone and no PD raid seemed iminent)
The suspect was being so cooperative that Rogue even made a remark at 0:50s saying that he is being very cooperative since he believes that his liberty is not at risk.

I then initiate a long conversation with the suspect, following the investigation and trying to get the facts straight, this conversation lasted approximately 8 minutes (full conversation on the video) during which, NO ONE made an attempt to break him out of jail which leads me to believe that his friends also believed Meatwad's liberty was not at risk.

However, after these 8 minutes of interrogation, his friends raid the PD and break him out.

The timing on this jailbreak raised some questions for me:

1) If Meatwad and his friends were certain he would go to jail for 9.5 Murder, why did they not intervene before? They initiated a raid 8+ minutes after seeing his friend being taken into custody and even if he did get arrested for 9.5 this also means he would be very close to purge his sentence. However, somehow, they found out the investigation was taking a bad turn for the suspect and decided to intervene when he was close to being caught.

2) On the other hand, if Meatwad had not yet been released and had not served his sentence, that could only mean one thing: that the investigation was still ongoing, in this case, there is absolutely no reason for them to raid the PD since they have no idea what is happening and Meatwad was pretty confident he was not getting arrested (cooperative at the beggining)?

This AR is on Meatwad but obviously someone else has to be involved, after opening a report ingame, @Bnej shared with me the org chat messages calling for a PD raid, however when asked for the timestamps I received no response (I believe he was in RP), messages sent by Hank Crank, one of his org members.

People I know were involved in the raid and can probably provide their side of the story and for what reason they decided to take part in a PD raid are:
-> George Narni
-> @Bnej
-> @travis

As stated before I would've understand a PD raid as soon as the suspect got taken into custody, thats what explains all the precautions I took when dealing with him (cuffed everyone at bazaar) but the timing on this PD raid, that happened as soon as the investigation took a bad turn for him is a bit suspicious in my opinion, specially considering his confidence and the confidence he showed to his friends when leaving bazaar.

Thank you

Evidence Link:
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I didn't meta game, nor did anyone else. You do realize that my org members were aware that I murdered someone right? You released everyone but me, who had the smoking gun (literally).


After committing a murder for a robbery gone wrong with Hank Crank (to which our victim didn't comply and broke gunpoint multiple times, I tried to run back to the shop in order to burn the body to destroy evidence. After realizing I don't have any Molotov Cocktails, I thought the only way I would possibly get away with the murder is to make a 9-1-1 call making us the victims of a robbery. You using your amazing tactics as a Staff Sergeant for the traffic unit, thought it was a good idea to arrive at my shop, handcuff everyone in Bazzar near my shop (to which 2-4 people weren't even associated), pulled me away to your cruiser, and drove me to the PD using light and sirens, with another unit exiting the Bazzar behind you, (yes I do know that I wasn't followed entirely to PD but they still exited Bazzar, and traveled in the same direction as you). The fact that you only drove me away and releasing everyone else at the scene will raise a lot of questions. Hank Crank, the organization members, and even the shopping parties would have realize that I must've committed an egregious crime to get a response like that. Hank Crank, being part of that robbery gone wrong, being released, and seeing me go toward PD with a code 3 response, with a lot of units on scene would undoubtably cause him to believe that I was being arrested for the murder. Whether you say I'm being questioned or not, the amount of law enforcement officers on scene and the entire Bazzar being handcuffed, would have made it reasonably safe to question me at my shop, yet you transported me to the PD for, "Questioning." There are chat logs, death logs, and witnesses to this incident.

You question the timing, however, you don't in consideration the time for them to formulate a plan, observe the amount of officers at PD, the time to gather parties to assist in the raid, and the time it took to gather weaponry to get me out of jail, alive. Your video even shows me having a warrant for 9.5. In your video, it'll show at times 4:04, Aqua stating, "Proceed with caution." That's an obvious meme in itself foreshadowing PD's demise. At 6:53, you will see George Narmi yelling, "I need a supervisor at front desk."

When you're saying, "NO ONE made an attempt to break him out of jail which leads me to believe that his friends also believed Meatwad's liberty was not at risk." "The suspect was being so cooperative that Rogue even made a remark at 0:50s saying that he is being very cooperative since he believes that his liberty is not at risk." You obviously don't see that I'm just buying time, as any confrontation would just make you shut down, book and cite me for the incident, buying me less time. I know this from experience.
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After talking to all parties involved and checking logs to support their story. It's clear to me there wasn't any metagaming in this situation. I however get why this AR was posted and why metagaming was a possibility.
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