Action Request: Mitch Johnsen/Draftking

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: DB KILLER/Dylan Rusell
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Draftking/Mitch Johnsen
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:78850148
Why Should This Player Be Punished: He killed me due to me spitting and pushing him and thats it... kinda 3.4 due to he killed me over a little situation risking his life due to my friends were nearby and cops were near etc, He could of advoided the whole situation easily by phoning the cops
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: N/A

Like a few others are saying in the shoutbox. You baiting me out right there like everyone else is doing on the forums, steam and on the server in character.

Somewhere i need to start drawing a line on where this stuff needs to stop, Im sick of people trying to bait me out both IC and OOC and that needs to stop. And that line is drawn right there, At that time i was pretty pissed about recent happenings therefor i killed you. Maybe i shouldve just let you walk off because after i do have to realise you were baiting me out by repeatedly spitting on me and pushing me and also making me think you punched me when you were punching the pole behind me or maybe you were even trying to punch me right there but you hit the pole thats nothing anyone here can confirm.

I had enough reason to kill you right there, You were repeatedly pushing and spitting on me and following me and not stopping after i told you to do so multiple times. In the end we might be able to confirm that you were baiting me and therefor you might also have been risking yor life and freedom (3.4) You dont go out baiting someone like that. We can all see in this video that you did not have any reason to start doing that to me other then probaly willing to get me to draw the line and finish it.

This is all i have to say about this for now.

Kind regards,
@draftking would have been better to give you some kind of warning when he had his firearm out, rather than just kill @DB KILLER. However, @DB KILLER was clearly doing his best to provoke and generally harass @draftking, without any obvious reason. Don't do this if you aren't prepared to face the consequences.

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