Action Request (multiple)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: It's ANGRY MUFFIN time!!!
Your Roleplay Name: Roen Cohen
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:49217988

Player's Steam Name:
Cookie man for Ziad
Quack rustclash Howl GG for Nicholas
ZeBlackMan for Miguel
unkown for Johny

Player's Roleplay Name:
Miguel Tomillero
Nicholas Tousignant
Johny Wock
Ziad Jarrah

Player's SteamID:
STEAM_0:1:460029964 for Ziad
STEAM_0:1:573809308 for Nicholas
STEAM_0:1:88737975 for Miguel
Unkown for Johny

Why should this player be punished?: This is horrible disgusting targeted harassment that goes on for hours and days against a member of this community. Emma Right has to deal with targeted harassment based on her being a woman and its absolutely disgusting.

People just come to her doing fake spiting sounds, calling her a bitch and just attacking and harassing her.

This is borderline bullying and appalling.

This is what I got in less then 30 minutes now imagine what she goes through in a day.

Evidence Link:
I would also like to add that I have seen this harassment every single time I have been with Emma in game, I have gotten countless steam messages from her saying how she has been rdm'd because she is a women, and people saying absolutely disgusting things to her, a lot of the time she will actually come and ask me "should I report them" because I do believe that these aren't taken as seriously as they should be, to me it seemed that she has changed the tone in her voice over a couple of days because of this constant harassment and seems completely fed up with it, glad this is finally being spoken about.

This won't be tolerated, if you continue then Emma will let a staff member know and you will be punished.
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