Action Request (@Na1 / Tommy Gunna)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: [VAL] Askasta
Your Roleplay Name: Anton Prukavic
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:82185287

Player's Steam Name: @Na1
Player's Roleplay Name: Tommy Gunna
Players's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:169176970

Why should this player be punished?: i belive this was 2.5 too.

This happend after the story from my frist AR about Charlie Dynasty. My Day legit started shitty so i got my car and drove towards bazaars to hang around and have fun. I Arrive there and this Tommy Gunna already starts the situation negativily "oh fuck this anton guy".

She hates me because when i was a cop 1 day ago i wanted to arrest her for crowbaring a cuffed suspect infront of police.

So i never told her my name maybe back then when i was a officer but idk how she know my name. I still act friendly and just ask her why so toxic and to stop. She just keeps going and even punches me multiple times and pushes me literlly wanting the situation to escelate and looking for a reason to kill me. I hate this unnessecary beef wich people are trying to do just because they dont like someone. Like dfq leave me alone i just arrived at bazaars i didnt even say anything and she starts acting so toxic and negativ. I wouldnt make this AR just because of some insults but what bothers me about this. is her trying to get a reason out of me to just kill me or do whatever and therefor starts punching me or no reason. I didnt insult her ingame i didnt do nothing and she starts to rant for no reason.....

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who are you. Why do you answer on this AR, if you not involved then dont reply ?.

He got shot for scamming why the fuck would i even be scared.

EDIT: Lmao i just realized you are the person i am reporting. Dont try to change the topic and turn it to your side lmao. Answer why you behave so toxic.
Just trying to stir up some RP, haven't really got a reason other than that.

What @Na1 did isn't really against the rules, he just wanted to start some beef i guess, however he only punched you once. @Askasta if you feel uncomfortable in these situations, let them know in LOOC and ask them to stop.
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