Action Request (Nizma)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Qawferz
Your Roleplay Name: Nicholas Mobbers
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:573809308

Player's Steam Name: Nizma
Player's Roleplay Name: I believe its peter zoffman
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:25570517

Why should this player be punished?: He has broken NLR, And came back to bazzar killing a guy who apparently killed him before, which is quite concering considering the guy isnt a new player, and ive seen him arround,

I need to go into demo to get the clip of what he did if i can be told what demo it was...He then said in ooc hes gonna come back and kill me too as i killed him before

The image below only shows him saying hes gonna come back for me, untill i can get the demo of the actual situation

Evidence Link:
Heres the clip i needed...He returned and killed the guy for the like the 4th time, and me for the first time, after his horrible attempt

To my knowledge hes broken, a fair few rules, and broken them a number of times in the space of 20 minutes
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Turns out he killed elizabeth terasue AKA Guyinbedroom2

and also Zaqi Field (unaware of his ooc)
I had a feud with someone called Jake and Elizabeth.

It all started with them pulling knifes on me I then pulled a gun on them. They broke gunpoint rule, I broke nlr, as it's apparently the wild wild west in early hours when there are no mods on. Well I killed them for breaking gun point rule. And then they come back and kill me and you kept giving them weapons when you full on knew they were going to use them on me. We were all 3 Jake and Elizabeth and me breaking nlr at this moment and no one complained it seemed alright between us, because we all knew an eye for an eye an tooth for an tooth but you fine sir you also kept breaking the rules and apparently couldn't let things go.

Furthermore I didn't even mean I was coming for you, not until you also ran under gun point to go into your chest and get an rifle to kill me with while being under gun point. Again as it's apparently the wild wild west in the early hours that was not gonna go unnoticed. But the worst part was when I wanted to break nlr to kill you, Jake and Elizabeth had already returned and you gave Jake yet again another weapon to try and kill me again again again, he failed and I killed you all three, but before I killed you this time, you started to run towards your chest again again , and seeing how 5 minutes before you had ran under gun point to go get an gun, and you had just 1 minute prior given a gun to Jake, I felt very comfortable with killing you. Since you're reporting me at least make that clip 2-3 minutes long. Or hell even 20. I'm not even gonna bother going into demos if you can just upload 10 seconds clip and make up stories that's wild im not even gonna waste my time. It should be his responsibility to not just show a 10 second clip but everything that lead up to that moment. Show all the deaths unfolding over an hour. This is gross you're on purpose trying to make me look worse to get me banned as you said you would.
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I broke nlr, as it's apparently the wild wild west in early hours when there are no mods on.
It is in fact not "the wild wild west" or "an eye for an eye" in the early hours, while there are no mods on you're still obliged to follow the rules and will be punished if you're caught breaking them either during or after the incident.

They broke gunpoint rule
And then they come back and kill me and you kept giving them weapons when you full on knew they were going to use them on me.
You are also able to make an action request on any of the three users if you wish, but your belief that they are breaking rules does not justify you doing the same.

@Nizma will receive a 5-day ban for 2.5 and 3.5.
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