Action Request (Nottoc)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: MalekIsWeird
Your Roleplay Name: Omar Asfour
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:137872891

Player's Steam Name: Nottoc
Player's Roleplay Name: Adrienne Kali
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:75576911

Why should this player be punished?: This user on prior instances has taken their distress to OOC and harassed me by falsely accusing, insulting and breaking character to threaten reporting to an admin or making an IA to get me in trouble when events in roleplay occur that turn out to not benefit her. Yesterday I have text messages of her during an IA sit they requested complaining about how long its taking. Ironically, she was persisting to attempt to get me in trouble which dragged out the sit to about 20-30 minutes all over a 6.10 charge. This fueled her anger that led to her harassing me in ooc and as shown in the pictures below, she was told to stop by Muffin. However she later on continues to harass me and be toxic not only in chat but also in VC.

In the first picture she was going back and forth claiming to have a video then saying she didn't care to upload it due to enough time wasted then she would back peddle and ask for more time to upload it until finally she provided it then proceeded to argue her case for the following sit which lasted as previously mentioned 20-30 minutes.

If the voice messages are needed I could get them via demo myself however I'd need some help from staff.

Evidence Link:
Do you have a video of them breaking character?
I could definitely get this but my only chance is a demo as aft mentioned.

Can you please track via logs when she sent these ooc messages then connect it to the demo I would have covering these which would showcase her breaking character maybe?
I could definitely get this but my only chance is a demo as aft mentioned.

Can you please track via logs when she sent these ooc messages then connect it to the demo I would have covering these which would showcase her breaking character maybe?

Why did you not report this on the server at the time? This occurred when there was several staff on the server.
Why did you not report this on the server at the time? This occurred when there was several staff on the server.
I actually did report her. @Ellie handled a F6 that Nottoc had made on me accussing me of harassing Nottoc. Nottoc had the time to make an F6 on me before I can report her due to me being extremely pre-occupied with all the police-related problems happening back to back so I didn't have the time to f6. In the report I was falsely accused with no evidence whatsoever so I rebutted with my own evidence showcasing I was harassed and clarified I was intending on reporting her for her harassment of me anyway.

Ellie and I misunderstood each other and she took the situation between me and Nottoc as just a one time rp thing. I did reply to clarify but unfortunately I assume ellie could've possibly missed my reply and had gotten off. I contacted @Ellie earlier today via DM on forums by making a conversation to pre-face my intent was not to revenge-report or to disrespect Ellie's ultimatum if she wants her resolution to be the end of it and I asked permission to make this AR. Ellie told me I am allowed to do so as she was not aware that Muffin had warned her to cease her ooc toxicity and that she (Nottoc) continued. Therefore I am making this AR to hold Nottoc accountable for at least this instance out of all the past instances where she had harassed me and hopefully moving forward she can stop acting in such a toxic manner to others in ooc.
Your Steam Name: MalekIsWeird
Your Roleplay Name: Omar Asfour
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:137872891

Player's Steam Name: Nottoc
Player's Roleplay Name: Adrienne Kali
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:75576911

Why should this player be punished?: This user on prior instances has taken their distress to OOC and harassed me by falsely accusing, insulting and breaking character to threaten reporting to an admin or making an IA to get me in trouble when events in roleplay occur that turn out to not benefit her. Yesterday I have text messages of her during an IA sit they requested complaining about how long its taking. Ironically, she was persisting to attempt to get me in trouble which dragged out the sit to about 20-30 minutes all over a 6.10 charge. This fueled her anger that led to her harassing me in ooc and as shown in the pictures below, she was told to stop by Muffin. However she later on continues to harass me and be toxic not only in chat but also in VC.

In the first picture she was going back and forth claiming to have a video then saying she didn't care to upload it due to enough time wasted then she would back peddle and ask for more time to upload it until finally she provided it then proceeded to argue her case for the following sit which lasted as previously mentioned 20-30 minutes.

If the voice messages are needed I could get them via demo myself however I'd need some help from staff.

Evidence Link:
Can you please post your demo because I'd like to address the things that you are accusing me of
My point Im making is I've been attempting to do that. I have no idea what demo it is and if you expect me to play every demo I have until I find it, I'm sorry nobody has time do that. I believe staff are capable of easily tracking down what demo it is themselves whenever one finds time to help with this issue.

However if absolutely necessary I will check every demo I have if need be. :writing:
perpheads_demo_2023-5-31 15-48-46

45 minutes into your demo is when they said '[LOOC] i have to upload it to yt im ngl, i feel like enough time has been wasted on this 31 May 2023 21:33:37'
Here are most of the parts I am mentioning:

Obviously the most blatant being the intro however she did on numerous occasions talk angrily in looc as very likely seen in logs doing "????????" or straight up disrespecting me then proceeding by maintaining an angry tone matching that of her out of character moments also in character and onwards.

Chat not showing issue: I unfortunately had a setup for streaming that I forgot turned on so I failed to tune the resolution to fit the chat.
Here are most of the parts I am mentioning:

Obviously the most blatant being the intro however she did on numerous occasions talk angrily in looc as very likely seen in logs doing "????????" or straight up disrespecting me then proceeding by maintaining an angry tone matching that of her out of character moments also in character and onwards.

Chat not showing issue: I unfortunately had a setup for streaming that I forgot turned on so I failed to tune the resolution to fit the chat.
Where exactly do I break 3.24 in this? Can you time stamp it exactly? At the beginning I mention youtube but at no point do I mention making a report?

Also, if your evidence of me breaking 3.24 is me being annoyed OOCly and ICly at the same time that is a massive reach.

I'll let staff decide from now on.

From what I can see, for the most part, LOOC was used the way it was intended, you could argue it could have influenced RP slightly but its quite petty. The toxicity you mention is also very petty, but at the end of the day this was a simple disagreement and nothing in this report would be worthy of punishment.

@Adrienne Kali Just refrain from dragging out an IC situation in LOOC in the future, just wait and leave it til the IA or report.
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