Action request on Fruddern.

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Reaction score
The Netherlands
Your Steam/In-game Name:
Madlyn_Beasly/Madlyn Beasly

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
Fredrik Espensen

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:124840684

Why Should This Player Be Punished: User broke 3.4 by attacking a mugger with a baseball bat while he was under gunpoint.

Thanks to @
arron/faith for getting the steamID and ingame name.
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Note you tied him up when you had your shotgun out in hands. But yes he did break 3.4 so I'll give you that.
Can I just ask why you were mugging him in a carpark in broad daylight where many people would easily see you from projex and docks area, the projex car park is not secluded nor away from the public
You were mugging someone where the delivery man NPC can clearly see you; also in a public area. I wouldn't make ban requests if you broke the rules yourself. However, the user did break 3.4.

@Madlyn Beasly I would like you to provide me a demo from the situation so I am able to see if you did take care of the npc
I would also like you to answer this question.
Why did you mug him in broad daylight in the middle of the street?

5.1 Mugging- Players are not allowed to mug more than 3 times in any 60 minute period; nor can they mug the same player twice, within any 60 minute period. Players may only mug other players in a realistic manner, for example mugging someone in the middle of a street is not realistic, muggings should only take place in locations which are out of the view of the public.

As you can see it even says so in the rule that you should not mug someone in a place like that

But for the other part it clearly shows him pulling a baseball bat at gunpoint so after you have done these things I will give out a punishment.

The person has been Permanently banned

However, you will also receive a 5 day ban for mugging this person in a public setting, breaking rule 5.1. The reason it is 5 days is because you already had a previous ban for 5.1.
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