Action Request on Joseph Cox and Cal Devine

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Robbin' The Hood/ James Chapman

His/Her Steam/In-game Name(s): [FL:RP] JosephCox/Joseph Cox ; [FL:RP] DVN (Cal Devine)

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:93479281 ; STEAM_0:79053468

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Following users were not roleplaying correctly and decided to punch me in a (/me searches) situation. These follwoing rules I believe been broken 3.4,3.26,and 2.1

Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick: (Youtube Above)

Credit to @Slayerduck providing video proof.
Evidence has been reviewed and while they did break rules and start attacking you a firearm should not have been used. While they both were attacking a officer and fail rping you should have used your night stick the same thing happened to Ermak.

I will support this however I believe that there excessive force was used you should not have used used your weapon.
After reviewing the demo it is clear that he broke the rules however the persons who's video this is should not of used there weapon as they was unarmed you should of used your nightstick however they also did not follow a /me command as you was searching him and really he could not be able to punch you as well.

I will support this as to me the evidence is clear also please don't use your gun on a unarmed civilian which does break law 11.11 right to use firearm.
This situation had to be a pain in the arse.
+support cuz he broke the rules.

And ban his friend.

- Edited by Niko
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