Action Request on Kristian Jensen

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Reaction score
United Kingdom. Bristol
Your Steam/In-game Name: Wolfjie / Harry Gilbert

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
UartigZone [DK] / Kristian Jensen

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:46468093

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Kristian Jensen should be punished because me and my friend were raiding him and we saw he had no gun so we were going to mug him. We told him to get on the floor he refused. He then started to punch me and my friend. He then stopped. He ran into his bathroom took some of his drugs and dced. Kristian Jensen did this earlier on as well in Projex however I was mugging him alone that time. I decided to let him off the first time because Daymon claimed he had handled it and closed my report. Kristian Jensen has done it a second time a I feel he should be punished. My friend who was also there was @MoneyMaker #Cash


Shaun also gave me this to add

Mathias/UartigZone STEAM_0:1:46468093 Player disconnected. Reason: Disconnect by user. (W-0)(C-1)(P-4)(G-0) 2015-12-15 22:17:27

Mathias/UartigZone STEAM_0:1:46468093 Picked weed plant early belonging to Mathias/UartigZone 2015-12-15 22:17:19

Mathias/UartigZone STEAM_0:1:46468093 Picked weed plant early belonging to Mathias/UartigZone 2015-12-15 22:17:18

Last edited:
Mathias/UartigZone STEAM_0:1:46468093 Player disconnected. Reason: Disconnect by user. (W-0)(C-1)(P-4)(G-0) 2015-12-15 22:17:27

Mathias/UartigZone STEAM_0:1:46468093 Picked weed plant early belonging to Mathias/UartigZone 2015-12-15 22:17:19

Mathias/UartigZone STEAM_0:1:46468093 Picked weed plant early belonging to Mathias/UartigZone 2015-12-15 22:17:18

Might be useful for anyone doing the action request.

User was in clear violation of server rules and will indeed be punished for his actions.
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