Action Request (Only RP name available)

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Your Steam Name: Jyrgen
Your Roleplay Name: Boris Lagunov
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51558858

Player's Steam Name: rickylefleur
Player's Roleplay Name: Tyro Santos
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:551141471

Why should this player be punished?: I received call from unknown number about fire. Responding to it there was a man inside who I assumed to be the man who called but probably not. All Tyro told me was "go", which I did not translate to leave but to fight fires faster. There was also a shot, which was not too loud, we both looked outside the door after that for the shot if it came from there, but in retrospective it seems he shot. Then Tyro killed me. As it was unclear to me if he was the apartment owner defending himself or a raider he should have warned me to leave before shooting.

Evidence Link:

Edit: Players steam name and ID added.
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The guy inside slums 1 shot our org member for standing at their door and shit talking them, so I guess for revenge my other friend threw a molotov at their door in an attempt to kill them. I was watching the bottom of slums incase they tried to push out and kill me or my friend, While watching it, a firefighter broke down the door. I shook my head at him trying to get him to leave, and so when he did not leave, I gunpointed him and said "go", and when he still didn't comply I fired a warning shot in an attempt to scare him off. He clearly didn't care that there was someone gunpointing them, and he just kept trying to put out the fire. I shot him as no longer had a choice as he had not complied under gunpoint multiple times.

"he should have warned me to leave before shooting."
I gunpointed you and said "go", and fired a warning shot and pointed at the door signaling you to get the fuck out. you clearly didn't care and were more worried about putting our your friend's house
"Go" is a very vague warning in my opinion as it can both indicate you wanting me to stop typing and extinguish faster. "Leave" or "Go away" would have carried clearer message. I am not sure who the person is who called me, and he is definitely not anyone I know or even less a friend. As mentioned previously I was under impression you were the person who made the call waiting for me.
"Go" is a very vague warning in my opinion as it can both indicate you wanting me to stop typing and extinguish faster. "Leave" or "Go away" would have carried clearer message. I am not sure who the person is who called me, and he is definitely not anyone I know or even less a friend. As mentioned previously I was under impression you were the person who made the call waiting for me.
I was the person that called you we got mollied so i chose to call you as you were the firefighter
"Go" is a very vague warning in my opinion as it can both indicate you wanting me to stop typing and extinguish faster. "Leave" or "Go away" would have carried clearer message. I am not sure who the person is who called me, and he is definitely not anyone I know or even less a friend. As mentioned previously I was under impression you were the person who made the call waiting for me.
Sure, go could be a vague term, but there's no reason you should have remained in the building after i gunpointed you and shot near you. Doesn't matter the context, if you're a firefighter you don't run into a shootout to put out a fire. 3.4
I think the video is clear on the fact that there was no shootout heard except for the one shot when we were inside building. As we both looked outside the door I was under the impression that it came from somewhere else.
Sure, go could be a vague term, but there's no reason you should have remained in the building after i gunpointed you and shot near you. Doesn't matter the context, if you're a firefighter you don't run into a shootout to put out a fire. 3.4
to be fair people minge, specially that time of they day even i would just think someone was minging


Whilst @Jyrgen clearly shouldn’t have been there when someone had a gun pointed towards them, Tyro shouldn’t remain on scene of a crime he had committed to begin with to the point where they’d wind up killing a firefighter.

Neither if you necessarily followed the rules here, take this as a learning experience for both of you.
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