Action Request (prill nisse)

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Reaction score
North of Ireland
Your Steam Name: Mina
Your Roleplay Name: Kian Wolf
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:437224249

Player's Steam Name: prill nisse
Player's Roleplay Name: Not sure
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:454078115

Why should this player be punished?: 3.18, 3.4, 2.5 - He decided to start shooting various weapons at his wall for no reason whatsoever, then immediately stored them, putting his freedom and life at risk for no reason. He shot an AK-74U and Spas-12 at the wall for no reason and then stored straight afterwards. It also caused us to be alarmed as we thought either they were raiding or someone had shot our friend that had just left the apartment complex.

Evidence Link:

User does not have a forum account therefore I will attempt to reach out to him over steam for a response.
I was apart of this scene, he tryed the weapons i had gave him for self defence, at middle of night at the wall inside of slums 1, we knew sens you guys just had raided us previously in less then 30 minutes earlier that there wouldent be any interactions hopefully, but instead your guy shoot true the window and killed both of us wit a sniper when we had stored all weapons and just randomly chattered.
RDM/Raid in less then 60 minutes, not sure which one Kian and company commited here but self snitching is a thing.
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