Action Request (qv / Lengend ep)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: daZai
Your Roleplay Name: Ryan Wood
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:118940212

Player's Steam Name: qv / Lengend ep
Player's Roleplay Name: Gaz Uppy / Jerry Koney
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:634735385 / STEAM_0:1:229308242

Why should this player be punished?: 3.4 I was raiding and got killed by cops. Then, I was revived and about to be taken into jail. However, my org members arrived and were able to kill the cops at slums. Our plan was to leave, but a TFU sniper was stopping us. The two players in the black Tesla attempted to counter when we were only trying to leave, and cops were still on the scene.

Evidence Link:
First of all I was at gas station and your friend told me to put my hands up then shot a whole mag at my car.
Didn't even know this action request was a thing but in my point of view I saw gaz uppy die to ryan wood and I thought to myself I gotta KOS him and I did
Who was this friend? @daZai have you got any any comment so far.
So this all happened because qv tried to run miguel over and you can see from the video he did not have a weapon. I don't see why he was trying to do that when he had no gun on him. We were trying to find the tfu that was holding us but the 3 people tried to counter for some reason.
So this all happened because qv tried to run miguel over and you can see from the video he did not have a weapon. I don't see why he was trying to do that when he had no gun on him. We were trying to find the tfu that was holding us but the 3 people tried to counter for some reason.
think ur missing some points.
think ur missing some points.
Well I would love it if you could elaborate. This has been open for too long already and I would like to draw this to a conclusion shortly. I will be requesting your demo dependent on what information you can provide me in your next response.
Well I would love it if you could elaborate. This has been open for too long already and I would like to draw this to a conclusion shortly. I will be requesting your demo dependent on what information you can provide me in your next response.
get requesting
get requesting
get elaborating. you’ve clearly got a story but are too lazy to tell it so want me to just watch it, sure, but i’m at work all day so explain to me what’s happened in the meantime and i can read that when i get back. that gives me a greater understanding of the situation in your words before watching a demo with no context.
@qvsor_ please send me perpheads_demo_2023-12-12 22-50-04. As you are banned you will need to manually upload it. See this guide for help. As I have repeatedly asked, please can you provide me with some sort of actual information to contextualise this demo. Please do so within 24 hours.
Remember when I told you to be less of a dick?

Just extended your ban for another month and whatever @flugs sees fit can be dealt with for any other rule violations.
I understand that QV can be a little much at times but can we not keep extending bans by the month. I get you are staff and you guys make that decision but its a little excessive extending his ban two times already. At the end of the day you have every right to do so just hope you put this into consideration. I will explain what has happened so everything is clear. They attempted to gun point me and gunned down my car which gave us kos on the guy who did so which started the whole situation. We never countered with cops we were just simply dealing with the people who shot at me when I was all the way at gas station no cops were around me but he decided to try to gun point me and gunned down my car. That's how it all started. Hopefully this helps. Thanks.
I understand that QV can be a little much at times but can we not keep extending bans by the month. I get you are staff and you guys make that decision but it’s a little excessive extending his ban two times already. At the end of the day you have every right to do so just hope you put this into consideration. I will explain what has happened so everything is clear. They attempted to gun point me and gunned down my car which gave us kos on the guy who did so which started the whole situation. We never countered with cops we were just simply dealing with the people who shot at me when I was all the way at gas station no cops were around me but he decided to try to gun point me and gunned down my car. That's how it all started. Hopefully this helps. Thanks.
and is this why qv attempted to run someone over?
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