Action Request (RichHomieSwan//PC Name//Meatwad)

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Reaction score
Faroe Islands
Your Steam Name: maeen
Your Roleplay Name: Saqib Asaad
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:39651776

Player's Community Name: @RichHomieSwan//PC Name//Meatwad
Player's Roleplay Name: Don't know
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:145314060 STEAM_0:1:79630873 STEAM_0:0:28963143

Why should this player be punished?: Building whilst getting raided and sniped which is against rule 3.9 Placing Props as stated "Additionally, construction props may not be placed to erect defences during ongoing shootouts or raids. Nor can players use their phys-gun to edit their defense during this time.". They did so by blocking off the window.

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Interesting, I placed props up? I'll happily submit my demos if needed, however I am interested in why your Youtube video is completely silent, and how you communicated with the other raiders, seeing how none of you were using phones etc. Your video proved to me that none of you were communicating via phone or org chat. At 0:07, who were you talking to with no phone activated? You pushed the base when your partners died, odd.

So much for not being mad about losing the raid huh?
Interesting, I placed props up? I'll happily submit my demos if needed, however I am interested in why your Youtube video is completely silent, and how you communicated with the other raiders, seeing how none of you were using phones etc. Your video proved to me that none of you were communicating via phone or org chat. At 0:07, who were you talking to with no phone activated? You pushed the base when your partners died, odd.

So much for not being mad about losing the raid huh?
The video doesnt have sound as I have gotten the issue again with Shadowplay not recording sounds. I was not metagaming, and I was talking to @Bønnisen on the phone, but at this point he had died, and so did @Oddy. We are not in the same org.


We started the raid around 07:39. I called him back up at 07:42 and was on the phone with him till he died.
oddy was killed by the shotgun flanker. and then i got wallbanged and died while bobbying. i mean if you where in his position and saw you guys putting barricades up. would you push or just stand there like idiot
The video doesnt have sound as I have gotten the issue again with Shadowplay not recording sounds. I was not metagaming, and I was talking to @Bønnisen on the phone, but at this point he had died, and so did @Oddy. We are not in the same org.
So your video from Thursday in thread using video
it doesn't work anymore? Every other video you have posted, the surrounding audio works, but in this one all of your audio doesn't work? I'll happily submit my demo, I'd hope you'd do the same.
So your video from Thursday in thread using video
it doesn't work anymore? Every other video you have posted, the surrounding audio works, but in this one all of your audio doesn't work? I'll happily submit my demo, I'd hope you'd do the same.
I know. And it worked during the night before I went to sleep. I also had this issue not too many months ago, I don't remember how I fix it, but I am trying to fix it.

Ill hop into my demo and record it with OBS instead.
I know. And it worked during the night before I went to sleep. I also had this issue not too many months ago, I don't remember how I fix it, but I am trying to fix it.

Ill hop into my demo and record it with OBS instead.
Just submit your demo?

It is clear from the clip and the response to this thread that @Chase attempted to block the windows whilst the situation was ongoing and shots were being fired into the property. A warning will be issued for 3.9 Placing Props.
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