Action Request (Seshwan Deevegs)

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your mom
Your Steam Name: DanielRabbit
Your Roleplay Name: Ava James
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:171921643

Player's Steam Name: Seshwan Deevegs
Player's Roleplay Name: Seshwan Haze Dylan Pancho
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:134997210 STEAM_0:0:70177524

Why should this player be punished?:

3.4 , 1.4

Earlier at the start of the video Deevegs said " lets see how giddy ava gets " Signalling that they will try to annoy me and cause problems which they did. I try to ignore it but I was so enraged by them.

So I approach bazaar rear parking lot and spot a Mini Cooper which vehicle is on the sidewalk. I ANPR the vehicle and try to make an attempt to get the owner which I found in the shops. However was AFK. So I ask other of her friends to see if they have keys which one does. And then which I believe was the stupidest idea was deevegs was breaking into the vehicle infront of a cop while it was moving. He was cuffed and ticketed however Seshwan could not let this go as one of the people who has keys said I don't press charges. EVEN THOUGH that is not his car. And keeps on mentioning. " Give me your badge number " And then " I can't wait to write out this IA " Which he never does btw cause I encountered this several times and he did not do shit. He uses this as a strategy to distress the officer. And then complains that the driver ( Not owner of car ) Said I don't press charges even though I he just got a ticket. And + Is giving scenarios if you were the owner of a house WHICH IS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. And then threatens to F6 me if I don't understand how keys work around here. Then because I was so enraged by them I called him a " CUNT " because they were being a cunt. And then says is sexism which disgusted me even though I said it in a different context and also said it as a verb. I then clipped it. Restarted my demo for Evidence. And logged off. I am not pleased with his actions. I expect punishments in this situation.

Evidence Link:
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I like how you didn't include the part where you verbally assaulted me and dylan, with the word "C*nt".
I believe you didn't read. And also if you were called a cunt. You were being a cunt. And also I believe you're twice my age so it is quite immature how you were acting like that.
I believe you didn't read. And also if you were called a cunt. You were being a cunt
Talking about the video ava, the text gives no context on how it was said in what aggression, so ill be sourcing this clip momentarily

and to state the record, I also dispute that accusation of 1.4, i was reacting to the environment, i didn't speak out of place to cause issues of offence, i didn't break the law, i simply stood there.

We have been in several situations that day, of you harassing us, following us, you even break-checked me and lied to a supervisor, so if anyone is to be judged for rule breaking, its you.

You even just DC'ed after calling us vile words, not calling a supervisor, just failrp, vanished.
Talking about the video ava, the text gives no context on how it was said in what aggression, so ill be sourcing this clip momentarily

and to state the record, I also dispute that accusation of 1.4, i was reacting to the environment, i didn't speak out of place to cause issues of offence, i didn't break the law, i simply stood there.

We have been in several situations that day, of you harassing us, following us, you even break-checked me and lied to a supervisor, so if anyone is to be judged for rule breaking, its you.

You even just DC'ed after calling us vile words, not calling a supervisor, just failrp, vanished.
Anyways is not 1.4 as I confirmed it with @Locksmith

However I will not chat longer. Unless you are gonna complain further?


@Deevegs You will be receiving a ban for 1 month for 3.4 for your actions here, as you made an attempt to steal a vehicle whilst in direct eyeshot of an officer, which put your liberty at risk whilst doing so. Your record is rather bad and you have seemingly not learned from your past mistakes.

However the 1.4 allegations are false, the evidence does not display anything that constitutes as 1.4 as such @Seshwan and @Deevegs will not be receiving any punishment in regards to 1.4.

Reviewed with @Scoot
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