Action Request (Shokron , Sharkster , roos)

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your mom
Your Steam Name: DanielRabbit
Your Roleplay Name: Ava James
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:171921643

Player's Steam Name: Shokron , Sharkster , roos
Player's Roleplay Name: Lamar Clark , Sharky Sterling , Hamish Preston
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:96586872 , STEAM_0:0:94461102 , STEAM_0:1:524310229

Why should this player be punished?: Shokron, Sharkster and roos broke 1.1 by scaring me and blackmailing me for their own gain. All these users scared me and threatened me telling me that I will get banned for 3.4 which I have an extensive record of. We were in a situation where I happen to be at Business shop 7 returning when I was afk. There was a raid at Puffer Mart which I am related to meaning that I am friends with the shop owner and I do have keys. I saw them being raided so I went out with a concealable. I saw 1 medic and officer meaning if the officer has called over for a medic, the situation was cleared. When I was seeing what damages has been done to the base. BANG! there was shots assuming someone had shot the officer being Roos with an AS50. Meaning now that there was going to be a raid at puffer mart. I defended it as there was going to be a raid managing to kill both users being Sharkster and Roos. But then I was being talked to on steam by roos saying that he spoke to a mod and I broke 3.4 . Which I fell for and believed and got scared. They invited me to a discord support chat explaining how I broke 3.4 by entering when cops were on scene. I had believed this and also got scared of this as I had the fear of being banned as I really do like this server and them knowing that I can be banned for about 3 months to 6 months they used this to their advantage to scare me and give their guns back. What shokron did is lie to me to also try to scare me that he was warned for a situation like this which is complete bullshit cause I was defending and not countering. They told me to give the guns back and I did, because I did not want to get banned. They took all their guns, and my friends guns too (The people basing in puffermart). All these 3 users had scared me and had threatened me that I will get banned for 3.4

Additional Information:

All of the evidence will be put into order of how the situation went.

Evidence Link: Roos Threatening me: Shokron giving me a bull shit example of him saying that he broke a rule like this: What had fully happened :
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Idk why I am involved in this AR where I have not even said anything that would threaten you nor make you scared?

I asked for my guns back and I said thank you afterwards noone forced you to give the guns back whatsoever I did not say anything mean I just asked that I wanted my 4 guns back that I killed and the gun I own also I believed roos as he said you broke 3.4 so I thought it was a reasonable choice to ask for my guns back I did not say anything that was pressuring you whatsoever I just said I wanted my shit
Clearly 3.4 Says

3.4 Putting your Life at Risk​

Any actions taken by a player that may put their In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment or general well being at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion and for beneficial reasons.

Ye its true that i said you are gonna get banned but @Shokron said it him self that if you want refund them if you dont dont and we will make an report

Clearly you broke 3.4 because you were inside the building when we cleared it and killed all of the defenders and u decided to run into the shootout whitelist cops were still on scene and you were watching the whole raid happening
  • Loitering around the vicinity of a shootout you are not a part of or being withi
  • n the line of fire from both intentional and accidental fire. Users must flee the scene of a shootout and wait for police to clear the scene and reopen the area to the public. This applies regardless of you being restrained or not.
as i said there was still cops on scene and u broke 3.4 literally on the clip you've sended you clearly walked into the shootout after i killed the cops and you knew that i was there because you saw me and you still decided to run into in when there was cops there and u were defending as u claimed but u were around the shootout the whole time but the clip does not show that part after all (and you had your pulled out when there was 1 more cop left alive and u walked into puffer to defend it)
  • Optimistic
Reactions: A1L
@Shokron Reply
  1. Posted for shokron.

  2. Hello @DanielRabbit , I in no shape or form, blackmailed you. You tried to defend from outside while cops are on scene in puffer which you admitted to, and i was under the assumption that you and roos agreed for a refund instead of an AR or an F6 as there was no stuff on. i even told you that i got warned for countering while there was a tfu sniper in CG and no other cops but its still an active scene. When u claimed black mail i said we didnt as i asked you if u belive u broke the rule and you yourself said you did. I was never disrespectful and everytime u wanted me to come to discord and ask me a question i did. i in under no way shape or form made u do anything. I even told you if u dont want to refund its ok we will just go through it the proper way. I would atleast assume you would provide Evidance of me Threatning you or "Scaring you" into refunding the guns and i clearly remember stating i dont care about your friends guns, i just want mine . I never told you u are getting banned or anything of that sort. (edited)

  3. Shokron​

    I even said if u dont belive you broke a rule / dont want to settle it this way its ok we will make an AR.
Clearly 3.4 Says

3.4 Putting your Life at Risk​

Any actions taken by a player that may put their In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment or general well being at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion and for beneficial reasons.

Ye its true that i said you are gonna get banned but @Shokron said it him self that if you want refund them if you dont dont and we will make an report

Clearly you broke 3.4 because you were inside the building when we cleared it and killed all of the defenders and u decided to run into the shootout whitelist cops were still on scene and you were watching the whole raid happening
  • Loitering around the vicinity of a shootout you are not a part of or being withi
  • n the line of fire from both intentional and accidental fire. Users must flee the scene of a shootout and wait for police to clear the scene and reopen the area to the public. This applies regardless of you being restrained or not.
as i said there was still cops on scene and u broke 3.4 literally on the clip you've sended you clearly walked into the shootout after i killed the cops and you knew that i was there because you saw me and you still decided to run into in when there was cops there and u were defending as u claimed but u were around the shootout the whole time but the clip does not show that part after all (and you had your pulled out when there was 1 more cop left alive and u walked into puffer to defend it)
I was not loitering. I was in Business shop 7 (a property I own), safe from the shootout. When I came out of my shop I saw that there was already medic on scene meaning the situation was cleared. Safe for the medic to start reviving cops and take DNA. Only THEN I went to check on my friend's property.
I was not loitering. I was in Business shop 7 (a property I own), safe from the shootout. When I came out of my shop I saw that there was already medic on scene meaning the situation was cleared. Safe for the medic to start reviving cops and take DNA. Only THEN I went to check on my friend's property.
So you heard the a50 shots you clearly had enough time to go away from it but u still decided to go inside
@Shokron Reply
  1. Posted for shokron.

  2. Hello @DanielRabbit , I in no shape or form, blackmailed you. You tried to defend from outside while cops are on scene in puffer which you admitted to, and i was under the assumption that you and roos agreed for a refund instead of an AR or an F6 as there was no stuff on. i even told you that i got warned for countering while there was a tfu sniper in CG and no other cops but its still an active scene. When u claimed black mail i said we didnt as i asked you if u belive u broke the rule and you yourself said you did. I was never disrespectful and everytime u wanted me to come to discord and ask me a question i did. i in under no way shape or form made u do anything. I even told you if u dont want to refund its ok we will just go through it the proper way. I would atleast assume you would provide Evidance of me Threatning you or "Scaring you" into refunding the guns and i clearly remember stating i dont care about your friends guns, i just want mine . I never told you u are getting banned or anything of that sort. (edited)

  3. Shokron​

    I even said if u dont belive you broke a rule / dont want to settle it this way its ok we will make an AR.
You played a part in the blackmail using a warning saying that you countered. You even said that you countered and not defended which was a total different situation.
Mind you all users roos , shokron and sharkster messaged me to complain about the AR but at the end were blocked. I am letting staff deal with this and not other people trying to get involved
You played a part in the blackmail using a warning saying that you countered. You even said that you countered and not defended which was a total different situation.

I gave u an example of me getting a 3.4 warning for a cop that was outside of my render distance and i still got a warning. You stated the fact that you knew there`s cops on scene multiple times. you defended from outside while cops outside thats 3.4 cause they have no knowladge of you being a defender u would just get shot. i even said " AT THE END OF THE DAY NONE OF US ARE ADMINS ITS YOUR CHOICE WE CAN MAKE AN F6". No one said u are getting a ban and no one said you are getting a warning. also you might misinterpret my words but to sum it down is we can we can save all of us time and close it now if u belive u broke a rule, or not and we make an F6 and go our seprate way, it wouldve been nice of you to leave the rest of me saying let me show u my warning and not leave it there without the ending of me saying that it you have to be 100% sure theres no cops on scene for you to do something like that.
I am no longer going to reply I am going to be letting whoever staff is going to be in charge of it. I am not wanting to be the one who is going to fill up these messages tab. I am waiting if I need to answer any important questions and not fight like children.
+ never complained, just find it crazy saying i threatend and scared you like i said i was going to dox you
@roos Which mod did you speak to who said that 3.4 was broken and that you would be refunded?
i didnt speak to anyone i know that its 3.4 my self
+ never complained, just find it crazy saying i threatend and scared you like i said i was going to dox you

i didnt speak to anyone i know that its 3.4 my self
as i said and shokron said it we told him if you want refund it if you dont dont we will make f6
but he did refunded the guns and we never made f6
If someone claimed you broke the rules and threatened you to give 9 guns or else they would report you, would you report them or would you give the weapons?

+ never complained, just find it crazy saying i threatend and scared you like i said i was going to dox you

i didnt speak to anyone i know that its 3.4 my self
If someone claimed you broke the rules and threatened you to give 9 guns or else they would report you, would you report them or would you give the weapons?

wait wait wait i didnt threatnet him i told him give back guns or we will make f6 because i didnt wanted to make f6 on him lol
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