Action Request (Th3rrorist)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: DemonZ
Your Roleplay Name: Cameron Bleedin (i think)
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:528275255

Player's Community Name: @Th3rrorist
Player's Roleplay Name: Jonnathan Smith
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:148377890

Why should this player be punished?: so basically i was chilling on a parking lot while waiting, eating my dinner, but still on, checking whats up on intersection, so as i saw him drive with no headlights, crash into someone, on the end run a red light with crashing into me, i decided to pull him over, near office parking lot, in front of it. So as i pulled him over he left his car, i told him that if hes not gonna get inside im gonna detain him, but he decided to shoot me, for some small traffic laws. (I only have the moment of pull over caught.

Evidence Link:

@Th3rrorist Explain your actions within 24 hours else this will be accepted.
I was having illegal weapon I raced with Blake and I was drunk & on drugs I thought he was after me for that so I decide to shoot him thats true
Altho DemonZ didn't said what happened next
He Lied to officer that he saw me leaving a scene (I killed another officer after I killed Demon 2/3minutes later) he saw me Parking in bazaar and told officers that he saw me leaving a scene creating false accusation and shootout when told it in ooc he responded "its becouse you make ar on me for shit" Or something similar before Dank deleted it

Edit: will make a clips becouse this is just another revenge on last ar on him from me and its petty
Give me 10minutes to do them and I will send it to ya here
here: me making a race wich is reckless driving and driving without attention:

here: using drugs and still be on drugs while having offensive weapon (where I killed him becouse I thought its about that drugs gun and race and I will face a jail time):

here where I killed an officer (was running towards me so I thought he somehow knew it was me) then I decided to park at bazaar to hide in my friend shop but saw a cop (demonz) going he passed by seeing my car and reverse and said I fleed from crime scene-even tho from his pov it should be visible that I m just parking (would very much like to see demonz pov there and explain how did he knew it was me who killed officer from roxies EVEN tho medics didnt check dna body yet) thus creating a shootout:
how couldve i know about that shit? u still didnt let me do anything but get shot for no reason, never saw u be drunk, high, or even race, i only saw u crash into me and him.
if i didnt see u do anything then why would i know that u did something|? bruh like common sense, if ur not sure then just dont shoot. Cuz thats a waste of my private time just to wait for nlr and to respawn.
oh btw about the part, when i saw u leave the scene, i have it recorded and ill fucking publish it for u just to see XD

after reviewing the videos and evidence, Myself and @Racxes have concluded that you indeed did break 3.4 quite a few times.

1st Video provided by @DemonZ69420 - In this video we determined you broke 2.5 and 3.4. Shooting the officer was not justifiable in any way. Being slightly drunk and having a small number of drugs on you doesn't warrant shooting police especially after baiting them by crashing into each other and recklessly driving.

4th Video provided @Th3rrorist - We determined that you shouldn't have shot the police. You destroyed the Jennifer's window so it's safe to assume that the officer might be pulling you over for that where your friend - Blake James- could rescue you if you did get into trouble. You then proceeded to park up at the bazaar right next to where you shot a police officer and stand there like you did nothing. You were better off driving towards suburbs and escaping around there.

@Th3rrorist will be receiving a 3 Day ban for his actions.

Reviewed with: Myself and @Racxes
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