Action Request (Tomten, Legion, Limme, Aquaa, Fxjiwara)

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Reaction score
The Eras Tour
Your Steam Name: Maia
Your Roleplay Name: Ashley Maia
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:149931246

Player's Community Name: @Tomten - STEAM_0:0:47177772, @Legion - STEAM_0:0:28959830, @Limme - STEAM_0:1:563851360, @Aquaa - STEAM_0:1:54900967, @Pxrkchop - STEAM_0:1:68934457
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:47177772, STEAM_0:0:28959830, STEAM_0:1:563851360, STEAM_0:1:54900967, STEAM_0:1:68934457

Why should this player be punished?: To get you some context:
-> 7 people, including the ones mentioned above, robbed the bank
-> After getting out with the money and killing multiple officers, they took refuge in slums apartment 1 (owned by one of them)
-> After spotting their cars outside and hearing movement inside the apartment, we (PLPD) had confirmation of the wanted suspect's presence in slums
-> Officers at the time were: Me, @Yaboi Spooky, Seke Lupin and Cameron Bleed
-> In order to avoid a stupid death (only 4 officers on duty), we decided to approach the situation in a very passive way and wait for them to push out / the perfect moment to push in
-> The roads were closed, they were warned that we were waiting for them outside and that they should come with their hands up, instead, they decided to break into slums 3 and try to shoot at police, leading to one of them being killed.
-> For the next 15/20min, they barricaded themselves inside slums 1 and we just waited outside
-> The users then proceeded to log off INSIDE the apartment while the situation was still ongoing.

Even if I understand that the situation was very long, I think their actions were not correct, the PLPD made the smarter move in a situation of 4v7 since they were the ones trapped inside a building. I also know people are just used to cops running in to their deaths but this was not the case and even if the situation was long, users were aware of our presence when they logged off.

As you can see in the evidence provided (only last minutes when we push in since the 15min before that is just me staring at slums doors) Ulla Abdullah types in local:

Ulla Abdullah : [Local] Lucas
Ulla Abdullah : [Local] you going
Ulla Abdullah : [Local] alright but when I leave the apartment will be sold and my defence will disapear

This proves he was aware that we were still on the outside waiting for them.
Plus, as you can also see in the clip, I open their door literally one second after he disconnects.

Evidence Link:
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Hi there,

For the next 15/20min, they barricaded themselves inside slums 1 and we just waited outside

This situation lasted a lot longer than just 15 or 20 minutes. The first time you arrived was around 9:30~ EST, This is because Travis was in the base with us for around 10 minutes after you showed up before he had unfortunately gotten shot through the window of the other apartment, which was at 9:40 (Had logs provided to me). During the first ~20 minutes or so we kept checking the staircase to see if you guys were even in the building and every time we went to check, there wasn't a soul in sight.

It is not reasonable for us to push out when our best advantage is staying inside and using our cover, and you guys were quite literally aware you were just holding the situation hostage and you had absolutely no plan of moving in. I know this because one of you even joked about all 7 of us starving to death before you even enter.

I am still confused as to why no effort was made to even raid? You are a part of TFU and it's beyond me as to why you played the way you did. Even 2 kills would have benefitted all of you so much, considering we are not allowed to return to the raid after we respawn until it is completely over, meanwhile the police can after their NLR is over.

You all knowingly sat outside, taking the situation hostage, making absolutely no progress for a total of 30 or more minutes. I had asked Travis if we can just disconnect because you guys aren't even going to raid us, and he said it's not really any active situation because you guys aren't doing anything. Furthermore, I made a report ahead of time (As 3.20 advises) and I explained the situation to whatever staff was online and iirc, I included my reason for leaving the roleplay situation, and after about half an hour of total elapsed time, I disconnected because I had something to do. :spiderman: nwh

At the end of the day, we're going to get caught eventually, made no sense to camp outside with about 5 of you total.

tl;dr - 2 tfu and 2-3 officers taking situation hostage, no progress for a lifetime, people disconnected. I made a report informing staff I was going to disconnect (3.20) and left after about 10 minutes.
It was 4am for me and cops had spent a solid 15 minutes just waiting outside doing nothing after killing Travis. None of you even attempted to go inside afaik, The situation could hardly be considered active at that point.
So you had conscience during that entire time and at the time of disconnecting that cops were outside right?
The entire 30-40 minutes where you did nothing? You had nearly an hour to try do something -anything- and you did nothing but sit in the area. After making an initial announcement you did nothing to continue the situation. You could've tried to negotiate with us, talk us into surrendering or just blown the door down. Sitting outside a building for 30 minutes isn't any kind or rp or any kind of "situation." I see no reason why we should sit there for an hour and wait for you to do your job.
So you had conscience during that entire time and at the time of disconnecting that cops were outside right?

What a textbook example of Contextomy. Please read the rest of my sentence and stop selectively quoting things. But to answer your question, I actually did find myself wondering if you were still outside because it had gone very quiet - unfortunately, this was interrupted by one of you saying that you have no intention in raiding, but just trying to starve us out :oldman:

I would appreciate it if you could maybe show some acknowledgment to the other few hundred words I wrote in my reply, it would be great to receive some sort of fruitful reply to the information I provided you about the situation I found myself in.

Thank you!
would appreciate it if you could maybe show some acknowledgment to the other few hundred words I wrote in my reply, it would be great to receive some sort of fruitful reply to the information I provided you about the situation I found myself in.
I simply disagree with your message and I think its obvious from my initial message.

For you it was not reasonable to push and for us it was unreasonable to push as well, we decided to play that using the tactic that would give us the best chance at success.

I understand that from your POV is funnier when cops just rush in and you can kill some people, I love when they do that as a crim as well, just like it happen in the 2 situations before (you raided the PD and killed everyone, then bank and killed everyone) but we are also here to play the game.

In fact we were outnumbered and outgunned. It was a game of patience and you guys didnt play the game, simply disconnected with fear of losing guns.

I am not the one to decide if this is against the rules or not, if I made this AR is because I strongly disagree with that decision to avoid a situation by dcing just because the other guys have put themselves in an advantageous position.

I honestly do not care about sanctions here, I just want people to not repeat these actions.
It was boring to you and it was boring to us but at the end we couldnt even get some rp out of the situation because you decided to magically disappear.
I do not understand why you decided to include quotes from me when you're clearly either missing full context or on purpose decided not to include my other messages.

Full context -

I was helping 'Lucas Shelby' (which is a new player) what happens when a base owner leaves the server.

I only included those quotes to show that you were aware that police was outside. Nothing more.
I simply disagree with your message and I think its obvious from my initial message.
My message has several points and things that weren't mentioned for the thought of agreeableness. You're still not taking in what I'm saying.

For you it was not reasonable to push and for us it was unreasonable to push as well, we decided to play that using the tactic that would give us the best chance at success.

Could you please explain why it was unreasonable for you guys to push? Because we had 2 more people than you and a base defense? I explained how this is an extremely moot argument in my last reply but I don't think you read it. You are police and two of you were in Heavy TFU Gear. You have that equipment to better suit yourself in raids including that amazing armor, but you're scared to go in because of you being outnumbered by 2 people and some base defense. No one was assuming you would rush in, but why not blow the door open and play it slow? That would have given you the best chance at success and that's what ANY TFU would do. Sitting outside the building for a total of 30 minutes unfortunately is not a tactic. You had absolutely nothing to lose and like I said, even 1-2 kills would benefit you and we would have eventually lost the raid because you guys can just keep coming back without losing ANYTHING.

It was a game of patience and you guys didnt play the game, simply disconnected with fear of losing guns.

You say this like it was over a span of 5 minutes. You decided to play a game of patience at 10pm and 3-4am (Diff timezones for diff players). People have lives and things to tend to, which is why I made a report about 10 minutes before I dc'ed informing the staff. People also want to sleep, as did you, just like you said in OOC. So not only did you hold everyone else hostage in the situation, but you also did it to yourself.

No one disconnected because they were scared of losing guns lol, I can literally drop you my AK74u without hesitation if that's what you want.

I honestly do not care about sanctions here, I just want people to not repeat these actions.

None of us are minges or have a bad track record for breaking basic rules (iirc). I just don't think you realize what you made the situation out to be. If you had simply raided it and played it safe the whole thing would have been over in probably 20 minutes. There was no reason for you guys to take the situation hostage like you lose something by dying.
we couldnt even get some rp out of the situation because you decided to magically disappear.

Third sentence and onwards from above.
It was boring to you and it was boring to us but at the end we couldnt even get some rp out of the situation because you decided to magically disappear.
There wouldn't have been any rp either way since you would have just spent another hour outside. As Legion said there was no reason for us to just sit in our apartment if you weren't even going to attempt to communicate with us.
TFU Tactics also literally say camping is a valid tactic, I was one of the TFO's on scene and at one point did ask you if you were ready to give up, with no response. I did not make any attempts to negotiate as I believe you guys threw a grenade in the stairwell (This might have been a different situation). We knew you HAD to push out to finish the situation and we took advantage of this. After the situation I talked to one of the defenders and did mention I knew it was a annoying strategy, but it was a good one. I stand behind the idea that if you had to leave so badly, then you should've made a push yourself to get to an end of the situation. Logging off wasn't right in my opinion, but that's also because the staff had not informed any of us that they allowed you to do so. To be honest I don't understand why you guys never even tried to push out to deliver the stolen money.

Obviously this is frustrating for those involved as the criminals remaining indoors and the cops/TFU remaining outdoors are valid strategies as Aquaa and Spooky have mentioned, which doesn't help when both parties do not wish to push and believe waiting it out was the most viable option. However, the users in questioned that disconnected were authorised to do so by a staff member online at the time. If you believe this staff member's decision was incorrect, I would suggest making a staff complaint.

Please contact me either via inbox or Steam if you wish to have the details required for the staff complaint.
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