Action Request (Ultimate)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Exnem
Your Roleplay Name: Ryo Yoshida
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:56233091

Player's Steam Name: Ultimate
Player's Roleplay Name: Charlie Harris
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:60175620

Why should this player be punished?: Started shooting at an officer to initiate a raid on Projex Apartment 4. Their reasoning being that they thought they were wanted for something in connection to a raid on Projex Apartment 3 that happened around five minutes prior to the shooting.

Evidence Link:
[10:18 AM]
standing outside a door is considered an on-going raid?

[10:18 AM]
we've already raided 3 so I didn't really know if you approached over something else
even the owner left the server so
props must be still there

[10:18 AM]
and how was i supposed to know this?

[10:18 AM]
and just like i didnt know what you were here for

[10:18 AM]
same reason as i am anywhere else
on patrol

[10:19 AM]
my apologies if that sounded stupid
i didn't really know what was your purpose there so

[10:19 AM]
isn't the fact that i'm coming up the staircase completely unarmed an indicator as to what i wasn't aware of?

[10:20 AM]
i didnt really had time to see if you were armed or not
i thought that guy made a 911
like how could I know
i didn't add you to justify my kill
i just wanted to apologize so
if you may accept

[10:32 AM]
Next time just take some time to check what's actually happening. You had nothing to tie you to anything besides illegal transportation.
While it might land you 2 years, most will only give you a ticket for.

I thought we have already solved this over the Steam Chat but seems to be not.

Well I couldn't really know if you were here at Projex just for a check or not since I've raided Projex 3 and I was about to raid Projex 4. Video shows that you were there just for a check but on my perspective it's almost impossible to think you are here just for a check.

I was in the intention of raiding another property and kill the residents in that property in order to steal their valuable possessions so in that case I can't see any reason to not shoot you. It's your fault to be not on alert upon entering the complex.

And I agree this could be solved in peace instead shooting you, no doubt. But still, my intentions was already about commiting murder and stealing possessions from a residence/person.

However, I apologized for the situation over happened because you came up with a better idea of how should I have approached you. I just didn't know your reason of presence. I couldn't.
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user will be warned.

Initiating a raid by shooting a police officer before you made any real attempts at breaking into the apartment is not within accordance of the rules.

Reviewed with @Bojing
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