Action Request (VREDFED)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: v1bes
Your Roleplay Name: Markov Kortez
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:458288779

Player's Steam Name: VREDFED
Player's Roleplay Name: Andrew Bandit
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:520773768

Why should this player be punished?: i dont think u can pull a gun in public just becuse u scam a guy plus i think its a little to much he didnt care for his life then he scammed me so i hope i get the money back

Evidence Link:

Why did you drop the money to begin with?

@VREDFEDE want to explain why you pulled your gun?
ellie please if u can finde anything that is wrong with this scam then please tell me so i can report it and i can get my money back and thank u so much for even trying and taking your time out off your day to help me thank u so much :D

After watching the video on my PC instead of my phone I can see that @VREDFEDE already had his gun in passive and did not break rule 3.4 by pulling his gun.

When it comes to the "scamming", there is no rule against it and I don't know why you decided to drop 500K to him but no rules were broken here.
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