Action Request (Yammy)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Mitnick
Your Roleplay Name: Billy Morris
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:100861682

Player's Community Name: @Yammy
Player's Roleplay Name: Jacob Foetus
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:16503072

Why should this player be punished?: Creating this on behalf on Mitnick as his forum account was unverified. This AR is for 3 separate situations as Mitnick has told me that he was killed by Yammy over the course of a few days for no proper reason.

Situation 1: Officer Callum Byford received reports that Mitnick as roadcrew was attempting to run over/kill someone. Mitnick denied this. Yammy then proceeded to shoot Mitnick and finish him off in the parking lot in front of the PD and in front of a police officer thereby breaking rule 3.4 and potentially 2.5 depending on the context and reason for murder.

Situation 2: Mitnick placed a wheelclamp on an illegally parked ferarri at suburbs storage (It was on the curb). The person that got his car wheel clamped (matt) ran Mitnick over for his actions and then continued to try to run him over until his car despawned. Yammy involved himself in the situation for seeming no reason and started threatning Mitnick. He then eventually shot him and killed him with a springfield m14 in front of the storage NPC. He broke rule 2.5 in this situation. NOTE: I am not sure if Mitnick got permission from an officer for impounding the car so Mitnick could have broken rule 4.4 here.

Situation 3: Mitnick said something that upset Yammy. Both were roadcrew workers. Yammy then proceeded to punch Mitnick repeatedly and then ran him over, all over a verbal insult. Yammy broke rule 4.1 and 2.5 in this situation.

Evidence Link:

Situation 1:
Situation 2:
Situation 3:

NOTE: I was provided with Mitnick's demos and recorded them myself as he didn't know how to gather evidence.

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