Action Request (YEEEEEEE)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Willy Paolucci
Your Roleplay Name: Willy paolucci
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:104948855

Player's Steam Name: YEEEEEEE
Player's Roleplay Name: Deverauxa Allabanda
Player's SteamID: SteamIDSTEAM_0:0:542591089

Why should this player be punished?: I would like to report this because they shot 1 bullet for me to drive away and when I turned around and tried to drive away they instantly shot my car preventing me from leaving the area within seconds. They then decided to run all the way up to my car to execute me, even though I was attempting to driving away already.

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Hey, the reason I shot was because you literally rammed me and damaged me when we were raiding, I shot your car due to that. Then I also went up to you and tried to gun point you but instead you tried running behind your car which led to me thinking you were gonna pull out your gun.

Its your fault when your literally driving inside a shootout when there are like 50 dead bodys.
Well sad to tell u bud but I didn’t ram u there, they gonna watch the demos I didn’t even do enough damage to u for u to even have a falling over animation, it’s pretty obvious u shot my car up and executed me simply to be a dick, and driving into a shoot out there was no dead body visible u gave me a warning shot I turned around and tryed to leave but u prevented me from leaving by doing what u did,and just to throw it out there pretty sure u were raiding my base so it’s considered a base defense for me, and plus they can check damage logs I didn’t even do damage to you like that def didn’t do enough for u to even fall over , and def didn’t do enough to u for u to respond the way u did.
and to clarify myself i tried to park my land rover i park it the same way every time its fucking huge so i had to turn little extra, still never knocked u over or caused a a falling over animation.
Ill respond one last time,
Well sad to tell u bud but I didn’t ram u there, they gonna watch the demos I didn’t even do enough damage to u for u to even have a falling over animation, it’s pretty obvious u shot my car up and executed me simply to be a dick, and driving into a shoot out there was no dead body visible u gave me a warning shot I turned around and tryed to leave but u prevented me from leaving by doing what u did,and just to throw it out there pretty sure u were raiding my base so it’s considered a base defense for me, and plus they can check damage logs I didn’t even do damage to you like that def didn’t do enough for u to even fall over , and def didn’t do enough to u for u to respond the way u did.

When you rammed into me, you did damage me. It was quite obvious there was a shoout hapening a few seconds ago, from the moaning bodys, dead bodys, etc.

I also love how your lying about the fact theres 0 dead bodys when in the clip that you posted, literally has 4-5 dead bodys which 1-2 of them are moaning.
It doesn't take much to understand wether its a shootout or not.

All I can say is be more carefull next time, also theres no point in reasponding anymore as the moderators have taken both of our POVs!
Ill respond one last time,

When you rammed into me, you did damage me. It was quite obvious there was a shoout hapening a few seconds ago, from the moaning bodys, dead bodys, etc.

I also love how your lying about the fact theres 0 dead bodys when in the clip that you posted, literally has 4-5 dead bodys which 1-2 of them are moaning.
It doesn't take much to understand wether its a shootout or not.

All I can say is be more carefull next time, also theres no point in reasponding anymore as the moderators have taken both of our POVs!
lol they will check damage logs and see i didnt so little damage it was not worth gunning my car and me down its like someone punching someone and then the guy that got punched pulls a gun out and shoots the guy that punched him, its not a vaild enough reason, i will let staff take care of it this is obv 2.5 all day long <3
lol they will check damage logs and see i didnt so little damage it was not worth gunning my car and me down its like someone punching someone and then the guy that got punched pulls a gun out and shoots the guy that punched him, its not a vaild enough reason, i will let staff take care of it this is obv 2.5 all day long <3
Its not about the damage, we were raiding... There was no way for me to know that you ''wanted'' to park your car, next time be more carefull going into a raid/shootout my guy.
Its not about the damage, we were raiding... There was no way for me to know that you ''wanted'' to park your car, next time be more carefull going into a raid/shootout my guy.
clearly you dont understand what happened u had no vaild reason to shoot the car or me u legit just said its not about the damage if its not why did u gun the car and me then ? i had no visible gun on me so u raiding means nothing u cant just gun a car down and execute a visibly unarmed guy even if u are raiding.
plus in my clip the engine is so loud u cant even hear any gun shots or people moaning until I'm legit at regals being shot at

Upon reviewing both demos, seeing both perspectives, the user YEEEE was in the middle of a counter raid. You drove to the regals apartments with bodies laying on the ground and two players in the entranceway to Regals. Yes the movement was quick and I give you the benefit of the doubt for not seeing the bodies / the raid in progress, but your vehicle veered towards them which did in fact cause damage to YEEEE. From YEEEE's perspective it appeared that you rammed him on purpose. YEEEE shot your vehicle, held your vehicle at gunpoint after the vehicle was disabled and gave two commands to place your hands in the air. You retreated to the front of your vehicle to which you were killed. I observed no rule break in this incident.
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