Action Request - Zonamann By Ljungberg

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Reaction score
La Cosa Nostra
Your Steam/In-game Name: Robin Ljungberg / Robin Ljungberg

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Zonamann / Unkown

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:111437847

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Alright so this player were a Medic at the time when there was a big shootout at the Suburbs, we found him hiding somewhere and we took him to out 'base' and we tied him up (Both legs and arms, to make sure he could use his radio or walk around etc) we gaged him, and took him upstairs and we sat him down in one of the rooms in subs 2. When i was at the storage, looking for cops to kill, i hear this guy talking in his radio calling for backup etc, and when i came into the room, he was walking around talking at the same time, so in the video you can see me enter the room and spraying him down.

The Rules Zonamann broke

First rule broken: 2.1


I belive Zonamann broke 2.1 because he was walking around while tied, and he was using his radio at the time, walking around and calling for backup to Subsurbs House 2, which isnt really realistic.

Second Rule Broken: 3.4


So by basically calling for backup while having 4 people you gunpoint, is risking your life, so he didn't really care, he was walking around , screaming for backup while at gunpoint, this also got him killed.

Third Rule Broken: 3.6


So basically, he broke 3.6 because he didn't really value his life , he talked in the radio instead of saving himself by not talking in the radio, so if he never used the radio, he wouldn't have been killed, as it says, you need to do everything you can at all situations to stay alive, which he completely ignored.

Fourth Rule Broken: 3.26


Okay so Zonamann was walking around while tied and was talking while gagged, he was also using his radio at this time. So he clearly no intention to Roleplay (Care about) the /me's we did.

Evidence (Demo Required):

@LEWIS 088

Tick: Not Needed at this Time.
As you can see in my video, User ignored gunpoint, and him being unarmed. Next, he ignored being tied/gagged and called for back up, luckily no cops responded because we killed them all. User broke 3.26, 3.4, 3.6, and 2.1 for the reasons stated above. User must be punished for this behavior.

To Medic:
You seem to be new, although I have seen you a lot in-game which means your not that new. Please read the rules carefully because breaking the rules is not accepted within this community. We all make mistakes sometimes, but its best if we learn from them ;). Im sure the staff member will give you a fair punishment, so don't be worried.

Best Regards,
George Schurr ( 0:54 dat burp tho)
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Medic did break 3.26, 3.4 and 2.1 by firstly calling for help and risking his life, called when he was gagged and did not roleplay realistically.

User has also been banned for one of the rules he broke in this video, so I highly suggest his ban should be highered.
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