Action Request (ZZZ)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Judass
Your Roleplay Name: Joel Finch
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:791991802

Player's Steam Name: ZZZ
Player's Roleplay Name: Bob Boogly
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:180694545

Why should this player be punished?: Hello.

I was trying to do this shop chop, but this dude sitting down at city office with an ak just started blasting, made an F6 and was told to do a AR if needed because the player disconnected not long after that

Evidence Link:
My org. was based in office. Judass showed up to the parking lot where a lot of our cars were parked. He started jacking this one car but we just watched and held fire because it wasnt one of ours and we figured it was chop shop. He stuck around for several minutes and was going around to all cars including some org members cars, during this some people joined him and started jacking the cars in parking lot. At one point one of them successfully took one of my org mates cars, and then about a minute later this guy reappeared in the lot and seemed to be jacking another org members car, at which point i let off two warning shots and then when he didnt stop i took him out. In the clip, it seems as if he is only pulling up for chop shop. If you check logs it should say he was breaking into other vehicles as well, Again the start of the clip is about a minute after my orgs car was stolen, and he was returning to that scene. Im going to look if I have clips of when he was in the parking lot earlier.
@Judass, seeing these clips, and understanding two of my org vehicles just got stolen with you in proximity, do you now understand why I shot you?

Even in the clips you've provided, the user has done nothing to justify shooting them. They are first seen attempting to steal the chop shop vehicle (the blue Mustang), and later on when they arrive back at the parking lot (with more crowbars I presume) to attempt to break into it again, you shoot them. From your perspective, there's no way to tell if those other player's are even involved with the one you shot, and even if they are, this doesn't justify shooting the one stealing the chop shop vehicle. While I can understand your POV as you and your org members are basing at Office and parking there, if you're not sure whose car it is, you should never shoot someone over it. In this case you've violated rule 2.5 and so with all of this in mind, I am going to issue @Bob Boogly a warning for;

2.5 - The user shot and killed a player who was stealing a chop shop vehicle, assuming it was one of his org member's cars.
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