I do admit to throwing a molotov at his car, in retaliation to him, even though I shouldn't have. These players raided us a total of 4 times within 60 minutes (Bazaar 1), breaking character, metagaming and also RDM. For example, I was killed at the gas station next to bazaar by the same player that had already just killed me, and I still had 2 minutes on the timer, and the player acknowledged that fact. I am willing to accept the consequences of my actions, be that paying for the damage to his vehicle, or a ban (With an adequate and fair amount of time). Here is an example of one of the players RDMing me. I do not know why there is no sound, this also happened when I provided evidence a while ago for an ingame report.
Okay first, that "RDM" at the gas station happened after you molotoved mine and my friends car, and like again, I have evidence it was you, not even including the fact that you guys were the only ones on the server I had any bad interactions with. Second, if you DID have sound, you'd know from your video what I was saying to you, and it would make a little more sense. First I was yelling at you asking why you molotoved my car, then you started breaking character and saying "why did you RDM me why did you RDM me" so I told you that you need to pay for the damage for my car blah blah blah, while you were screaming "why did you metagame". That's when I pulled the gun out on you, and told you to get out of the car, and you refused to, until you were like "CCTV cameras you can't kill me". As soon as you left the vehicle I told you over and over to get on the ground and you refused, so that's when I shot you, and same thing happened to Noot, except I had to shoot him while he was still in the car, because even under gunpoint, he refused to exit the vehicle.
First, to prove this "RDM" happened after you molotoved my car:
Look at this screenshot from your video.

(sorry these photos are hard to see, but there's a car in the background. Here's the gyazo link to it:
Does that car in the background look any familiar to this one? A screenshot from my video, where I was showing the cost of the damage.

My car was clearly wrecked before I shot you, and I only knew it was you. That's a good enough reason to shoot someone, right? What if I destroyed your car and you absolutely knew it was me? Would you want to kill me? There was no police around, so what was the right thing I was suppose to do in this situation? Just stand there and deal with the fact that my car basically got molotoved for absolutely no reason, other than what happened OOCly, or in your previous life? If I have a valid reason to kill you, such as you blowing up my car, it's not RDM. RDM means Random Death Math, and that's like if someone you didn't know, went up to you, and shot you dead, just for no reason. Never seen him ever before in your life. Also, you can't argue that it's metagame or NLR, because first of all, you're responsible of breaking NLR yourself, because you're the one that blew up my car for revenge after you died. Second, not only were you guys the only people besides my growing partner on the server, but I also saw you guys driving around my car when (i thought you planted a timed bomb or something) you blew it up, and when I managed to get my car to the repair shop, you guys drove up to me and yelling "why did you rdm me" "why did you metagame".
Second, to prove that you and Noot broke 3.4 even more in this situation, I made this short unedited video for you out of a long lost demo to show both you and Noot seem to have no fear for you life. Obviously you cant hear my mic because it's a demo, but you can still tell with what Noot is saying, that I'm trying to get you guys out of the vehicle.
And third, I know I did it at a gas station, but that doesn't mean you just suddenly lose all fear for your death. And just so you know, I dealt with the NPCs, which is all the matters, and by the time the police or whatever checks the cameras RPly (or whatever), I will be long gone, and the bodies or blood would've been found anyways, along with the abandoned car, and DNA would've been checked, and everything. But I wasn't planning to stick around, anyways. The point is, I took care of the NPCs that were watching the scene, and after I repaired my car, I moved your bodies, and drove off. Besides the NPCs and my friend, there was nobody else watching this happen. You honestly should've just complied with my orders.

[DOUBLEPOST=1487718456,1487718226][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, that "raiding you 4 times in 60 minutes" thing is complete bullshit. I raided 2 times since the instant you joined the server, till when you both left.
[DOUBLEPOST=1487718517][/DOUBLEPOST]And not once did I break character.