Server Suggestion Actual Crafting Queue

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Suggestion Title: Actual Crafting Queue
Suggestion Description: This suggestion is targeted towards crafters. Almost everyone on this server has at least tried crafting once or twice, whether it is ammo, weapons or meds. So most of us know how incredibly boring it is to constantly sit and manually craft small items such as ammo, bandages, stimpacks etc. Therefore I'd like to make a suggestion for an actual queue for crafting items which will allow the player to chose how many of a particular item they want to craft. The idea I have is that there should be a function when you decide what to craft which lets you decide how many of that item you want crafted, (maybe something similar to the bar you drag while giving tickets as a cop or drop drugs/seeds on the floor).

Why should this be added?:
- It would make crafting less craving while doing larger crafting orders.
- Would probably encourage more people to craft, which is good since there aren't that many "crafters" active anymore.
- It would revive the business area after it has been kind of dead since the removal of shop doors.
- Hopefully more newplayers might get into crafting in the beginning which will give them a stable and safe way to make money when they try to figure out how the server works.
- More diversity with crafters, won't be a few people that have almost complete monopoly of crafting on the server
- Possibly lowers the profitmargin since more items will be up for sale if there's more crafters active

What negatives could this have?:
- Crafting can already be considered easy and that it doesn't need improvements since it already works fine so it won't need to become easier to do.
as a ex-shop keeper please do this, i miss the days where i have to wake up at 8:30AM just to get a shop
I feel like crafting should be difficult and not something you can just AFK do. If anything it drives your prices up.
@Bnje Alternatively let them increase the craftingtime of some items if this gets added instead of having people get cramps in their hand while trying to craft 1000 stims
as max level crafter i know the suffering, but its to prevent people from just AFK crafting for hours.
if people don't want to bother with the process they can just buy from others.
making it easier will make the prices go lower since alot more people will craft themself, and the server got enough chaos with the current prices of weapons
there's still room for differen ways to not make this OP, it can easily have a decently low amount of things you can queue, doesn't have to be able to auto-output 100 stims every single time you use it. Could be as small as just letting people queue 10 ish items at a time then have them start another one so it's harder to afk craft
just make it being able to queue up like only 3 things or something lik that or even 10 like backe suggested

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