Actually introducing myself.

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I don't think I ever actually introduced myself so this is me finally doing it. In my spent on perp I've made a name for myself from the bans I have received and from generally just talking too everyone and being known as fake Dom, Dom 2 etc. Well as a few off u may know that I am actually from near Liverpool but I still get called a scouser or a scouse cunt from some off u all, however idc if u call me a scouse cunt as I'm not even from Liverpool I'm just close too it which gives me a wee bit off a scouse accent. I feel like I have met most off the people in the community and sometimes meeting people I never thought I would meet. I got brought on too this server by 1 off my mates and I'm glad he introduced me too u all. I am always happy too help any new players and have been banned in the past for helping new players as they went on too ddoss the server however i got passed that perm ban as Fredy got me out off that as I proved I had nothing too do with it and from my knowledge the server hasn't been ddossed again. When I got unbanned from the perm ban Fredy gave me 3 strict rules and said if I break any off them I would get a perm ban again, i agreed with them rules as it is fair and so far I have been fairly good in the community. Well u might not know who I am through my forums name as I have a different name too my steam name which is now d00m thanks too Dom_ paying me 200k too change my name from Dom. When I am back from my ban I will hopefully be able too meet anyone who I have not met yet or are new players.


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