Description of the idea: The idea of this suggestion is to make it a lot more quicker and convenient of accessing the camera as quickly as possible by typing in keywords as there are so many cameras throughout the city, it sometimes can be time consuming to look for the camera you need to look at, more especially at fast paced situations (such as a high speed vehicle pursuit). The results should also display very nearby cameras.
Why should this be added? (pros):
Easier to find the camera you are looking for
What negatives could this have? (cons):
*Other additions: Not sure if it's just me but I do find the current camera UI a pain in the ass to navigate through sometimes and although I understand that you can click on the camera icon on the dispatch map, a search bar would make this process so much more quicker by quickly typing in keywords as to what location its in. For example, if I typed in "business", it would give me results of every camera within that sector and another example would be Car Dealer, I'd receive results of all of the Car Dealer's CCTV's and the nearby cameras below the main results such as Veikko, etc.
This may be asking for a bit much but a search bar is mainly what I am going for here.
*Images: Very rough draft of what the search bar would look like:
Why should this be added? (pros):
Easier to find the camera you are looking for
What negatives could this have? (cons):
*Other additions: Not sure if it's just me but I do find the current camera UI a pain in the ass to navigate through sometimes and although I understand that you can click on the camera icon on the dispatch map, a search bar would make this process so much more quicker by quickly typing in keywords as to what location its in. For example, if I typed in "business", it would give me results of every camera within that sector and another example would be Car Dealer, I'd receive results of all of the Car Dealer's CCTV's and the nearby cameras below the main results such as Veikko, etc.
This may be asking for a bit much but a search bar is mainly what I am going for here.
*Images: Very rough draft of what the search bar would look like: